Dan Wos

Dan Wos is a nationally recognized 2nd Amendment advocate and Author of "Good Gun Bad Guy - Behind the Lies of the Anti-Gun Radical" and "Good Gun Bad Guy 2 - Destroying the Anti-Gun Narrative." He speaks at events, is a contributing writer for many publications and can be found on radio stations across the country. Dan has been a guest on the Sean Hannity Show, NRATV and several others. Speaking on behalf of gun-rights, Dan exposes the strategies of the anti-gun crowd and explains their mission to disarm law-abiding American gun-owners.
Dan Wos is a nationally recognized 2nd Amendment advocate and Author of "Good Gun Bad Guy - Behind the Lies of the Anti-Gun Radical" and "Good Gun Bad Guy 2 - Destroying the Anti-Gun Narrative." He speaks at events, is a contributing writer for many publications and can be found on radio stations across the country. Dan has been a guest on the Sean Hannity Show, NRATV and several others. Speaking on behalf of gun-rights, Dan exposes the strategies of the anti-gun crowd and explains their mission to disarm law-abiding American gun-owners.
Anti-Gun “Moms Demand Action” Puts Good People at Risk

Anti-Gun “Moms Demand Action” Puts Good People at Risk

Our right to keep and bear arms is something leftists find particularly dangerous. The reason is simple: as long as We the People have it, their power is limited. 

So when groups like Moms Demand Action (a “volunteer” wing of Everytown for Gun Safety) try to limit your ability to defend yourself while supporting the release of violent criminals, then you have to question why. That’s especially true once you realize that they’re funded by someone who pays off the debts of convicted felons in order to control their votes.

RELATED NEWS: The Democratic Agenda: Taking Guns And Defunding The Police

Michael Bloomberg’s own 2020 Presidential campaign website revealed his plan to “end cash bail.” In other words, put criminals back on the streets by removing the one thing that keeps them in jail prior to trial. In support of Bloomberg and his policies, Moms Demand Action apparently gave his campaign their “members email list” (it would appear, without consent) so the Bloomberg campaign could harvest support.

According to Mother Jones, Aimee Tavares, a senior national organizing director for Moms Demand Action, said, “Given his unique role in launching Everytown, his leadership in advancing the cause of gun safety, and the significant investments he’s made in helping to grow our movement, Mayor Bloomberg’s campaign is temporarily renting access to our list of supporters so they can communicate his plans for achieving our shared goal of a nation free from gun violence,”

Moms Demand Action also opposed Missouri House Bill 1961; “Keep Our Schools Safe Act,” claiming that the bill would increase the risk of “gun-violence.” In fact, the bill would provide additional security for students and teachers by allowing qualified School Protection Officers to save lives should the need arise. We saw what happened in Parkland when security was limited, but it appears that the gun-grabbers like it that way.

Contrary to the claims of Moms Demand Action, Joe Biden’s 1990 Gun Free School Zones Act has produced a significant increase in school killings by forcing children and teachers into unarmed helplessness. The article on their website condemning HB 1961 is riddled with typical anti-gun fear-mongering statements in pursuit of their political agenda and unarmed schools. 

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It alleges that supporters of HB 1961 are increasing the risk of unintentional shootings and gun violence.” It also claims pro-gun legislators are “taking us backwards and advancing risky bills that would put children, teachers, and school officials in danger.”

Meanwhile, Everytown and Moms Demand Action gladly take support from the one guy who was bold enough to attempt to publicly buy votes for Joe Biden. With over $16 million raised, the former New York City mayor plans to pay off the debts of released prisoners so they can register to cast a ballot.

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No representatives from either Moms Demand or Everytown have bothered to denounce this behavior.

While American cities are burning to the ground, businesses are being looted and destroyed, and good people are being viciously attacked, some mayors refuse to stop the violence. During this chaos, groups like Moms Demand Action are trying to convince you that being unarmed and helpless in this environment is a good condition to be in. 

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Smart people are no longer falling for their lies. We see this in the massive increase in gun sales across America. Despite the devious and sinister messaging coming from these anti-rights lobbying groups, real Americans are able to see just how important it is to be able to defend ourselves and our families.

The Second Amendment was written because our Founding Fathers saw these dangerous, anti-Americans and the tyrants they support coming over 200 years away. The Second Amendment is not a privilege; it’s your right, and the gun grabbers hate that.

Dan Wos is a nationally recognized 2nd Amendment advocate who is the author of Good Gun Bad Guy and Good Gun Bad Guy 2. He also hosts a podcast called Good Gun Bad Guy Radio. Go behind the lies of the anti-gun radicals and find out what they hoped you would never know.

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Posted by Dan Wos in Guns, 0 comments
Left-Wing Violence Has Reached A Tipping Point

Left-Wing Violence Has Reached A Tipping Point

We may never be able to help the anti-gun crowd understand that being armed does not (and should never) equate to looking for a gun fight. The consensus on the left is that anyone carrying a gun in public is seeking out a fight. Many believe the notion, that if you carry a gun you are some sort of vigilante hoping for the opportunity to shoot someone. This is why they’re unable to see Kyle Rittenhouse as someone simply defending himself. 

The beliefs of many on the left have been molded and manipulated through media-propaganda and consistent left-wing rhetoric, to convince those who don’t know any better that gun owners are encouraging violence by bearing arms in public. The exact opposite is true.

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As we know, defensive gun uses (DGU) save far more lives than offensive gun uses. Gun related deaths, (excluding suicides and law enforcement related incidents) total approximately 3000 per year. According to a study called Armed Resistance to Crime: The Prevalence and Nature of Self-Defense with a Gun by Florida Criminologist Gary Kleck, potential lives saved by armed law-abiding citizens, exceeds 2 1/2 million per year in America alone.

Although the numbers show us that good guys and gals (46% of DGUs are by women) with guns are merely protecting innocent lives, the anti-gun left constantly pushes a false narrative. The notion that gun owners are looking for a fight couldn’t be further from the truth but the accusation says more about the accusers than it does about the lawful American gun owners.

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Sigmund Freud coined the term “projection.” Projection is the act of placing the thoughts that are occurring in your head onto someone else and blaming them for it. The idea that the anti-gun crowd can’t see gun ownership from a perspective other than the gun owner looking for trouble, tells us that the thought of instigating a fight and inflicting violence on others harbors itself deep in the psyche of the anti-gun leftist and not the lawful, American.

The political left continues to encourage this idea that gun ownership is a gateway to violence, or that guns actually cause violence. They even created the term “gun-violence” to perpetuate the lie. Logical thinking people understand that there is no such thing as “gun-violence, only “human-violence.” The radicals also encourage leftist political supporters to believe that they have been victimized and their acts of violence and destruction in the streets of cities across America are justified. Is it a coincidence that these two mental components are being programmed into the minds of formerly logical thinking people? What is the intended outcome of this type of psychological programming? 

What are the two messages being consistently taught to radical leftists?

1. Guns are for violence

2. Political violence is justified 

The crazed looks that we see on the faces of angry radical anarchists who engage in violence and destruction does not occur organically. These hate-fueled actions are encouraged by thoughts of retribution and the idea that revenge is justified. They believe they are the good guys. These thoughts are cultivated by a destructive media and a very dangerous political party pushing a message that violence is okay if the cause is just.

If you’ll notice, condemning the violence has not been high on the priority list of Democrats in Congress, and there’s a simple reason for that. Because for them, mob chaos isn’t a problem to be fixed.

It’s a tool to be used.

Dan Wos is a nationally recognized 2nd Amendment advocate who is the author of Good Gun Bad Guy and Good Gun Bad Guy 2. He also hosts a podcast called Good Gun Bad Guy Radio. Go behind the lies of the anti-gun radicals and find out what they hoped you would never know.

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Posted by Dan Wos in Antifa, Featured Stories, Guns, 0 comments
The Second Amendment Isn’t Measured by ‘NEED’

The Second Amendment Isn’t Measured by ‘NEED’

You’ve heard the anti-gun crowd say things like, “I support the 2nd Amendment but…” or “I think we need ‘common sense’ gun-restrictions.” First of all, there are no “buts” in the 2nd Amendment and the term “common sense” is just used to imply that you are irrational if you don’t go along with the latest left-wing attack on gun-ownership.

The most sinister tactic used to sway public opinion and force gun owners into a corner is the implication that “need” is a prerequisite to gun ownership. They’ll say things like, “nobody needs an AR 15,” or “Why do you need to be walking around in public with a gun?”

When did gun ownership become measured by “need?” The last time I looked, the list of Amendments to our Constitution was not called the Bill of Needs. 

Regardless of the misleading assumption that somehow an acceptable level of need should be presented prior to possessing a gun, we often find ourselves justifying our need anyway. Why do we do this? Most often, we feel compelled to explain ourselves to someone who has never even held a gun in their hand. It’s human nature. When we are asked a question, we feel the need to answer it. They know this. That’s why they ask. The Anti-Gunners want to see you work to defend your position. When we do, we put them in the exact position they want to be in.

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Leftists work hard to create the false narrative that gun-ownership should be granted based on a level of need but if you tell them about God-given rights, they disregard the notion that any such thing exists. Why? Partly because of the incessant push to replace God with government in their Utopian world of wokeness, but also because the narrative on the left encourages the “need” qualifier for things they do not approve of.

You’ll hear them call gun ownership a “privilege,” while demanding abortions be a woman’s “right” to choose. The Planned Parenthood website even refers to Roe v Wade as: “the Constitutional Right to Access Safe, Legal Abortion.” The truth is, abortion is a government issued privilege granted by a court under the “right to privacy,” which is nothing more than a twisting of the language in the Constitution for ideological purposes.

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 Keeping and bearing arms, however, is a God given right acknowledged by our Founders in 1791 and declared in amendment number two of the Bill of Rights. Interestingly enough, abortion is nowhere to be found in the document. The Anti-2nd Amendment Radicals actually understand the difference between rights and privileges but they twist the conversation and use the strategy to their advantage. The left understands that a government issued privilege can be given and taken away. A right cannot, and they hate that.

If gun ownership was measured by a metric of need it would be easier to control and regulate. If the 2ndAmendment said “shall not be infringed unless you don’t really ‘need’ it,” you can bet there would be some Democrat involved in determining the parameters of “need.”

In New York City for instance, this infringement is already being implemented. There and in other jurisdictions, you must ask permission of an elected employee prior to carrying a handgun. They call it “may” issue. This is where a sheriff or judge will determine whether or you should be allowed to protect yourself. In many cases you must write a letter explaining why you “need” a gun. They will get back to you in a few months and let you know what they’ve decided.

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Just like leftists try to control the first amendment with political correctness, they also try to control the second amendment with the illusion that gun ownership should be measured by need. If a Constitutionally recognized right cannot be overturned by law, it can be suppressed by the strong arm of media influence and societal compliance. The intent is to force gun-owners into compliance by making them conform to the new social norm that gun ownership must be validated by a level of need that meets the standards of those creating the rules.

So, when they ask why you “need” a gun, ask them when “need” became a metric by which a right is measured. 

Dan Wos is a nationally recognized 2nd Amendment advocate who is the author of Good Gun Bad Guy and Good Gun Bad Guy 2. He also hosts a podcast called Good Gun Bad Guy Radio. Go behind the lies of the anti-gun radicals and find out what they hoped you would never know.

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Posted by Dan Wos in Guns, 0 comments
Why Are Democrats Disarming Citizens And Setting Prisoners Free?

Why Are Democrats Disarming Citizens And Setting Prisoners Free?

From the headline, you would think you must be living in an alternate universe. As Rachael Maddow said after patriotic Americans took back the White House in 2016, “You’re awake by the way, you’re not having a terrible, terrible dream. Also, you’re not dead and you haven’t gone to hell. This is your life now.”

This IS your life now, (at least temporarily) and how you choose to protect yourself and your family amidst the irresponsible behavior of some state legislators, is up to you. Well, not really, because several Democrat-controlled state houses have decided that they would prefer you stay unarmed and helpless during the corona-crisis by making it impossible for you to legally purchase a firearm. These are the states that have shut down gun sales in defiance of the federal “essential” classification.

 ·      California [D]

·      Massachusetts [D]

·      Michigan [D]

·      Nevada [D] undefined

·      New Mexico [D]

·      New York [D]

·      Pennsylvania [D] by appointment only

·      Washington [D]

·      New Jersey [D] by appointment only / limited hours

·      Washington D.C. [D]

Does it make sense to deny lawful citizens their ability to access firearms while several states have decided to release prisoners? That is exactly what is happening.

On March 20, Fox News reported that New York has decided to release those inmates the state deems “vulnerable” to protect them from the corona virus. NYC Mayor De Blasio decided it would be a good idea to release some inmates arrested for “minor crimes” after learning that some from Rikers Island and Sing Sing prisons tested positive for COVID-19. How many “minor” crimes are punished by stays at Rikers or Sing Sing? 

So, why do Democrats try to disarm the population while Americans are at higher risk of crime due to economic strife stemming from COVID-19 and some states are literally adding more criminals to society? Is it really to save lives? Some would argue, disarming good guys while releasing bad guys might be a dangerous mix. Nah… That’s crazy talk.

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Gun store closures happened immediately after the biggest rush on firearms America has ever seen. Some gun stores reported up to four hour waits with lines around the block just to get into the building. Many reported a never before seen number of first-time gun buyers. This tells us that people (even non-gun owners) were concerned for their safety like never before. Can’t have that, so several states put an abrupt end to it by deeming gun sales “non-essential.”

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At the same time gun stores were being shut down, New York City Mayor Bill De Blasio released more than 1,400 city inmates as part of the state’s early release due to the corona virus, even after the City’s 5 District Attorneys and the Special Narcotics Officer stated in a letter: “At the same time, we want to make clear that the categories of those proposed for release have, in some instances, included individuals who pose a high risk to public safety.”

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De Blasio would soon find out that at least 50 immediately committed crimes upon release and landed themselves back in jail. According to the Blaze, De Blasio said, “I think it’s unconscionable just on a human level that folks were shown mercy and this is what some of them have done.” Is that what you think, Bill? Yeah, shocking! Who would’ve thought?

Don’t forget, Democrats want to defeat the enemy. But who exactly is the enemy? Clearly not criminals. Obviously not China, who is responsible for the virus. By the actions of the political left and its media, it would appear, their biggest opposition is “Real Americans.” In other words, those who thwart the socialist agenda in pursuit of the independence and freedom the Constitution promises.

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By making good people vulnerable our elected employees create government dependence and fear among voters citizens, usually followed up with new regulations that promise to protect society from the dangers they created in the first place.

By making patriotism, Christian faith, the Bill of Rights and traditional American values “bad,” good people are now positioned as the enemy while the political-left desperately seeks power and control. Why do you think American flag waving, quarantine protesters are being labeled as terrorists? Aren’t they supposed to be the good guys? 

Not anymore.

Dan Wos is a nationally recognized 2nd Amendment advocate who is the author of Good Gun Bad Guy and Good Gun Bad Guy 2. He also hosts a podcast called Good Gun Bad Guy Radio. Go behind the lies of the anti-gun radicals and find out what they hoped you would never know.

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Posted by Dan Wos in Guns, 0 comments
Anti-Gun Bureaucrats Put Americans In Danger

Anti-Gun Bureaucrats Put Americans In Danger

Although the corona crisis has caused many people to come together and show their compassion for their fellow man, it has simultaneously brought out the worst in others. With America on lock down, domestic violence on the rise, and some states letting criminals out of prison, government officials are using executive orders to prevent good people from defending themselves. 

According to a study by Gary Kleck, a Florida criminologist, guns are used defensively, 2.5 million times per year in America. In other words, guns potentially save 2.5 million lives per year, most often without a shot even being fired. Forty-six percent of those lives saved are women. In times of crisis it would appear that some state offices are playing for the wrong team when it comes to the safety of the American citizens who employ them. 

Reports came out recently that people were flocking to gun shops so they too could have the leverage they might need in a time of crisis. Gun stores reported lines up to four hours long just to get in to the building.

Ironically, many of these wanna-be gun owners were first-time purchasers and previously anti-gun liberals now realizing just how important guns are in the real world. Amidst the mad rush on gun-shops, some states decided to deem firearms retailers “non-essential” in the hopes of using the corona-crisis as an excuse to grab some quick gun-control.

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Upon recognizing this unconstitutional behavior, Gun Owners of America (GOA) quickly put the federal government on notice and encouraged the FBI to avoid breakdowns in the National Instant Check System (NICS). In a letter, GOA’s Senior Vice President, Erich Pratt said: 

“Currently, the COVID-19 pandemic is revealing and exacerbating the underlying constitutional infringements with the NICS system. If state or federal governments do not remain open, then Americans will be denied their Second Amendment-protected right to purchase firearms.”

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“The long-term solution is for Congress to repeal this law. But in the short-term, the federal government is faced with a choice: ignore the Brady Transfer Date, thus intimidating gun stores into denying Americans their rights, or reallocate resources so that Americans will not be denied their rightfully purchased firearms.”

Soon after, President Trump deemed gun stores essential but some state officials didn’t like this idea and have continued to restrict the ability of their citizens to exercise their rights protected by the Second Amendment. Some have even expressed their disdain for gun-sales publicly.

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Although Massachusetts Attorney General, Maura Healey claims she wants to protect the lives of women, her actions show us otherwise. In a Tweet from Healey, she said: 

By implying that gun-owners “undermine the safety” of others, Healey seems to be creating the false narrative that gun-owners are either reckless or purchase guns with the intent of doing harm to police officers, first responders or their domestic partners. Healey might be revealing more about herself than she intended with this statement.

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The biggest problem with this perspective is that often times the people calling for gun-control are compelled by the very thoughts and visuals conjured up in their own minds. Why would Healey instantly gravitate toward recklessness or bad intent? Maybe she needs to take a look at that. Another thing that Healey seems to completely miss is the importance of domestic violence victims (most often women) to be able to keep themselves safe. Wouldn’t it make sense for domestic violence victims to be able to protect themselves? Apparently, Healey wants them unarmed and helpless.

Why are some of a particular ideological view so intent on gun-restrictions? 

One theory is that in order to create a government-controlled society, you must first create chaos and make good people vulnerable so they run to the arms of government.

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Another theory is that due to the progressive propaganda that is continually pumped into the left-wing bubble, some actually believe that criminals are now “victims of society” and lawful gun owners are the new terrorists. Either way, the reality is, some of our elected government employees are working overtime to make sure you can’t defend yourself.

When people feel their lives or livelihood are in jeopardy, they act to protect themselves and their families. Often times this means getting a gun to preserve the value and assets that have been built and accumulated over years. Sometimes that means purchasing a gun to be able to save your own life, should you be attacked. Self-preservation is a natural instinct. Forcing people into unarmed helplessness takes strategic planning, leverage, intent and effort.

Dan Wos is a nationally recognized 2nd Amendment advocate who is the author of Good Gun Bad Guy and Good Gun Bad Guy 2. He also hosts a podcast called Good Gun Bad Guy Radio. Go behind the lies of the anti-gun radicals and find out what they hoped you would never know.

Posted by Dan Wos in Guns, 0 comments
Liberals Feel The Effects of Gun-Control, And They’re Not Happy

Liberals Feel The Effects of Gun-Control, And They’re Not Happy

While the COVID-19 crisis has left most businesses reeling, gun sellers are an exception. Across the country, there are reports of customers waiting for hours just to reach the counter. Lines around the block at a California gun shop made headlines, and many dealers are saying the majority of those showing up are first time purchasers.

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It’s not hard to see why people would suddenly feel the need to pick up a weapon. After all, some jurisdictions have announced that they’re no longer arresting people, even for crimes like burglary. Others are releasing prisoners; Joshua J. Haskell was turned loose earlier this month due to fears that coronavirus would spread at his Utah halfway house. He’s since been accused of tying a woman up in her home.

The fact is that when the government stops working, criminals don’t. For some folks, that’s a bitter pill to swallow.

People who were calling Virginia gun-owners “terrorists” two months ago or supported unconstitutional red flag laws are realizing that they just might need to protect themselves and their families. The same leftists who didn’t want you to have a gun now want one of their own. Unfortunately, they have some hurdles to clear.

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California has a 10 day waiting period for gun sales and severely restricts so-called assault weapons. Further, states like New York, Illinois, and Massachusetts all require a permit to purchase a firearm; thanks to the pandemic, those who apply can face a long wait.

And while New Jersey’s Supreme Court has ordered the release of “low-level offenders,” its governor has suspended all firearm transfers in the state, arguing that “a safer society for my taste has fewer guns and not more guns.” However, he acknowledged that his security team won’t be giving up their weapons.

In fact, there's no proof that guns in hands of legal owners make society more dangerous. It certainly doesn't in Texas: of the over 1.3 million people who were licensed to carry there in 2018, only one was convicted of murder and another three were convicted of manslaughter. If they formed their own country, its murder rate would be 0.29 per one hundred thousand residents--far below the national average. On the other hand, you can find plenty of crimes that they've stopped.

RELATED NEWS: Texans Who Carry Have A Lower Murder Rate Than Brits

In contrast, criminals will themselves admit that the mere presence of a weapon can be enough to deter them. A survey of convicts funded by the Department of Justice found that 81 percent of respondents agreed, “A smart criminal always tries to find out if his potential victim is armed.” Another 74 percent concurred with the statement, “One reason burglars avoid houses when people are home is they fear being shot.”

If anything, the evidence suggests that a ban on gun sales is likely to make society more dangerous. Something else it's likely to do? Motivate liberals to call up their conservative friends.

Image may contain: possible text that says 'BEFORE: A 10-day waiting period is REASONABLE. Only CRIMINALS stockpile ammunition. Nobody NEEDS more than one gun. NOW: Can I borrow a gun? NRA'

In his 1995 autobiography, Charlton Heston recalled how during the LA riots, formerly anti-gun celebrities were suddenly trying to get around the law by asking to borrow one of his guns. Hopefully, things will get back to normal soon, but if they don't, then requests like those are going to get a lot more frequent.

Dan Wos is a nationally recognized 2nd Amendment advocate who is the author of Good Gun Bad Guy and Good Gun Bad Guy 2. He also hosts a podcast called Good Gun Bad Guy Radio. Go behind the lies of the anti-gun radicals and find out what they hoped you would never know.

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Posted by Dan Wos in Guns, 0 comments
The Left’s New Target: Nerf Guns

The Left’s New Target: Nerf Guns

During his failed presidential bid, Beto O’Rourke famously declared, “Hell yes, we are going to take your AR-15, your AK-47.” Now, an organization in New York is targeting another type of weapon: Nerf guns.

If you were born in the 80’s or earlier, then you probably remember a time when kids could play with toy guns and not get accused of having homicidal tendencies. No more.

In a letter to Nerf manufacturer Hasbros, the Empire State Consumer Project warns that its products bring to mind “mass shootings that have devastated American children and families for decades now.”

RELATED NEWS: 10 Mass Shootings That Were Stopped By Armed Citizens

In particular, the letter cites “Nerf machine guns” such as “the Nerf Ultra One,” as contributing “to a culture where kids are afraid to go to school because of school shootings.” It goes on to allege that exposing children to “assault weapon toys” threatens “their dignity and their worth as human beings.” This article mentions your favorite hats at super low prices. Choose from same-day delivery, drive-up delivery or order pickup.


Now, you might be thinking that students face bigger threats than Styrofoam darts. Kayla Cuevas and Nisa Mickens certainly did: the two Long Island teens were savagely murdered with baseball bats and machetes by members of MS-13. Police said their bodies were left “unrecognizable.”

Sadly, that wasn’t an isolated incident. A California student was stabbed to death the next year, and a high school in suburban Maryland made national headlines when the gang began using its bathrooms to sell drugs while subjecting students to beatings and rape.

MS-13 gained a foothold in America’s schools thanks to an unsecured border and sanctuary cities that turn violent criminals back on the street. But according to leftists, you’re not supposed to mention any of that; just focus on the toys.

Regarding the controversy around toy guns, child psychologist Dr. Michael Thompson insists that “there is no relationship between childhood make-believe gun play and actual adult violence,” adding, “You don’t stop adult violence by banishing toy guns.”

Unfortunately, the link between liberal policies and dead kids is a lot more clear.

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Gun “Facts” The Media Gets Wrong

Gun “Facts” The Media Gets Wrong

Late last year, an Upstate New York newspaper called the Sunday Gazette ran an article that asked, “Are Second Amendment Sanctuary Resolutions Wise?”

It was presented as a pro and con debate, with the Con anti-gun side represented by Chelsea Parsons, Vice President for Gun-Violence Prevention at the Center for American Progress. Right away, I could see that the “facts” she cited were in need of a reality check.

She started off by declaring that Second Amendment sanctuaries “undermine these crucial [gun] laws by tacitly (or in some cases explicitly) encouraging residents to violate them.”

RELATED NEWS: Texans Who Carry Have A Lower Murder Rate Than Brits

Given that her organization actively supports sanctuaries for illegal aliens, you might think she would be careful about accusing others of undermining the law.


Illegal immigrant sanctuaries erode respect for our immigration system. They also get people killed: last month, President Trump spoke with the granddaughter of a 92-year-old woman who was raped and murdered by a criminal alien. While he had been previously arrested, New York authorities released the man rather than turn him over to ICE.

In contrast, Second Amendment sanctuaries are created to uphold the Constitution, our nation’s highest law. They also ensure that citizens are able to defend their most basic right–the right to life.

During her attempt to defend Extreme Risk Protection Orders (“red flag laws”), Parsons said they are “designed to prevent shootings by addressing different aspects of the gun-violence problem.” However, she failed to mention that these gun-confiscation orders have never been shown to do that.

RELATED NEWS: 10 Mass Shootings That Were Stopped By Armed Citizens

What red flags do achieve is the violation of due-process rights among lawful gun-owners. They can be issued based on as little as an anonymous accusation from an acquaintance. What’s more, innocent people have died because of them. Here’s an example.

Throughout the article, Parsons references the term “public safety,” which is a common tactic aimed at those who have already been convinced to fear guns. She claims that by not having universal background checks, we are “potentially putting the community at risk for future violence.” 

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This has been debunked time and time again. As Dr. John Lott has pointed out, people with criminal records don’t obtain guns through legal channels. That’s not something the anti-gun crowd wants you to know: they’re hoping that a “universal background check” law will provide the gun-owner data-base they so desperately want. After all, the first step to confiscating guns is to figure out who owns them.

Parsons also brought up a study from the Bloomberg-funded anti-gun group Everytown. “Research by Everytown for Gun Safety found that in more than half of mass shootings between 2009 and 2018, the perpetrator shot an intimate partner as part of the attack,” she said.

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This is part of a strategy to instill fear in people who live with gun-owners. They’re encouraged to distance themselves from loved ones who own guns, with women being a particular target. Rather than empowering women with firearms training so they can protect themselves, the anti-gun crowd chooses to scare them into unarmed helplessness through an irrational fear of guns. 

Parsons went on to say, “Stunningly, an Everytown analysis found that there have been at least 193 unintentional shootings by children so far in 2019.”

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The “Toddler and the Gun” encourages the reader to envision cute little diaper-bottomed babies getting a hold of loaded guns that are left laying around the house. In reality, this hardly ever happens. The “children” in these studies includes anyone under eighteen, many of whom are robbers, gang members, and drug dealers.

Finally, Parsons stressed that there are “100 people dying by gunfire every day,” which is why “nothing could be more important” than controlling guns. Here’s what she didn’t tell the reader:

Of the 39,773 gun-related deaths in 2017, 23,854 were suicides. Countries like South Korea, Latvia, and Lithuania have few guns but substantially higher suicide rates than the US, there’s no reason to think a gun ban would change the overall number of people ending their lives.

What would decrease is the ability of victims to defend themselves. That’s important because research done for the CDC by Gary Kleck found that guns are used defensively 2.5 million times every year. Further, a survey of convicts funded by the Department of Justice, 81 percent of participants agreed that “a smart criminal always tries to find out if his potential victim is armed.” Another 74 percent concurred with the statement, “One reason burglars avoid houses when people are home is they fear being shot.”   

RELATED NEWS: While Gun Sales Are Up, Crime Keeps Falling

The reason why Parsons didn’t bring up any of this information is simple: it shows that guns are far more likely to save lives than to take them.

It’s always important to get both sides of the gun story. Unfortunately, the anti-gun lobby continues to used fear tactics and skewed data to drive their cause.

Dan Wos is a nationally recognized 2nd Amendment advocate as well as the author of Good Gun Bad Guy and Good Gun Bad Guy 2. Go behind the lies of the anti-gun radicals and find out what they hoped you would never know.

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The Truth About Virginia’s Gun Rally

The Truth About Virginia’s Gun Rally

Virginia gun owners made history on January 20, 2020. In response to unconstitutional and tyrannical legislation, tens of thousands went to the state capital and reminded the politicians who they work for. 

While liberal pundits claimed the rally was a mob of dangerous extremist, its participants proved that was a lie.

Columnist Will Bunch made a special effort to beclown himself when he declared that Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. “would have called out the violent intimidation of Monday’s mob for what it was — terrorism — and so should we.”


The truth is, literally tens of thousands of armed Americans showed up without incident. There were no acts of violence, regardless of how hard the anti-gun crowd wished for them to happen.

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What’s more, the only person arrested was an anti-gun protester. And as the event was winding down, gun owners were caught on tape picking up trash in the streets. When was the last time you saw “terrorists” clean up after themselves?

Anti-Second Amendment radicals use irrational fear to push their narrative, preying on those who don’t know better. They teach that guns cause people to be violent, as if an inanimate object could change someone’s character or sap their free will.

These delusions couldn’t be further from the truth. Legal gun owners have proven once again to be some of the most responsible people, despite the paranoia of their opponents. Of course, that's not to say their weapons never get used: a study done by Gary Kleck in conjunction with the Center for Disease Control showed there are approximately 2.5 million defensive gun uses annually.  

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Yet while anti-gunners work hard to paint gun owners as as violent, hateful, and reckless, Virginia's rally proved the opposite is true. Instead of perpetrating bloodshed, attendees listened to speeches from people like Jan Morgan, national director of 2A Women.


Maybe the anti-gun crowd’s hate is rooted in jealousy, as they envy our willingness to protect what's ours. Or perhaps it's an example of projection: they think having a gun would tempt them to be violent, and they assume everyone else is just as corrupt. But in the end, it really doesn't matter what motivates them, because our response will always be the same.

The Second Amendment is not a privilege. It’s a right, and sometimes people need to be reminded of that. Virginia was a wake-up call to gun-owners who may have forgotten that Democrats are fighting for their agenda. We need to fight for ours.

Dan Wos is a nationally recognized 2nd Amendment advocate as well as the author of Good Gun Bad Guy and Good Gun Bad Guy 2. Go behind the lies of the anti-gun radicals and find out what they hoped you would never know.

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Posted by Dan Wos in Guns, 0 comments
While Gun Sales Are Up, Crime Keeps Falling

While Gun Sales Are Up, Crime Keeps Falling

Anti-gunners think they can remove firearms from society through unconstitutional laws and media-driven scare tactics. But as the data makes clear, they are sadly mistaken.

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives reported that in 2017 (the last year for which complete data was available), over 7 million guns were produced for domestic sale, while almost 4.5 million were imported. That’s a big increase from previous years: a decade prior, the totals were 3.3 million and 2.7 million, respectively.

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Those numbers show just how ineffective gun-grabbers have been at convincing people to give up their weapons and live a life of unarmed helplessness.

Additionally, they help dispel the notion that more guns lead to more violence. After all, while gun sales have continued to climb, violent crime is dropping. And not only are guns not the cause of violence, they’re used to save lives every day. 

A study done by Gary Kleck in conjunction with the Center for Disease Control, showed that there are approximately 2.5 million defensive gun uses annually.

RELATED NEWS: Texans Who Carry Have A Lower Murder Rate Than Brits

That doesn’t necessarily mean good guys killing bad guys: often just the mere presence of a gun acts as a deterrent. In a survey of convicts funded by the Department of Justice, 81 percent of participants agreed that “a smart criminal always tries to find out if his potential victim is armed.” Seventy four percent concurred with the statement, “One reason burglars avoid houses when people are home is they fear being shot.”

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Although gun-grabbing leftists claim to champion women’s rights, they ignore the fact that 46 percent of these defensive gun uses are by women. Unlike most weapons, the efficacy of a firearm depends on its user’s skill–not her size or strength. With practice, an armed women can become as deadly as the largest man.

The simple fact is that when bad guys face opposition, they think twice. And criminals aren’t the only ones feeling nervous.

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The number of guns and ammo in America is enough to frighten the pants off anti-gunners. But for the rest of us, it’s reassuring to know that real Americans are not giving in to the anti-gun fear campaign.

We won’t entertain the lies and deceit propagated by Bloomberg-funded organizations like Moms Demand Action and Everytown For Gun Safety. Real Americans understand that the Second Amendment is not a government issued privilege, despite what socialists would like us to believe.

RELATED NEWS: 10 Mass Shootings That Were Stopped By Armed Citizens

So while anti-gun groups use the violence that their own policies caused as a way to push for more restrictions, people are becoming wise to their con.

Real Americans understand that the Second Amendment was written because our founding fathers saw these tyrants coming over two hundred years away. Smart Americans know that the right to bear arms is a right that serves us well. Something else we know?

We're gonna keep it.

Dan Wos is a nationally recognized 2nd Amendment advocate as well as the author of Good Gun Bad Guy and Good Gun Bad Guy 2. Go behind the lies of the anti-gun radicals and find out what they hoped you would never know.

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Posted by Dan Wos in Guns, 0 comments