Month: September 2020

American Air Filter Co. Fired A Man For Defending Himself

American Air Filter Co. Fired A Man For Defending Himself

A video began circulating on social media recently that showed a Louisville motorist driving up and pointing his gun at a group of demonstrators. Members of the mob yell at him, with one person denting the back of his vehicle. The man eventually gets out of his vehicle and has a stand-off with the angry crowd until the police arrive.

The images went viral, with many demanding that the individual be doxxed and prosecuted for attempting to run over protesters. In the end, someone did end up getting arrested–but it wasn’t the driver.

The Louisville Metro Police Department released aerial footage showing he had pulled into the turning lane at an intersection that was blocked by two cars. Rather than attempting to run anyone over, the elderly man found himself being rushed by large group of protesters, including one who can be seen pointing a handgun at him.

Louisville’s Courier Journal reported on September 20 that 34-year-old Robin Ash has been charged with wanton endangerment, criminal mischief, and possession of a handgun by a convicted felon. Meanwhile, the man she allegedly threatened is facing no charges.

RELATED NEWS: The Democratic Agenda: Taking Guns And Defunding The Police

However, that didn’t matter to his employer: American Air Filter Co. (AAF Flanders) identified the individual as one of its workers and announced that he had been let go.

“AAF Flanders supports the right to peacefully assemble as an expression of free speech,” a company representative told the Courier Journal. “In our view, the actions of this individual show poor judgment and are inconsistent with the core values of our company. As such, this individual is no longer with the company.”

RELATED NEWS: Guns Can Make The Difference Between Survivors And Statistics

According to its website, AAF Flanders offers a range of filtration products and was formed in April 2016 when American Air Filter Co. purchased Flanders Corp. Its Louisville office can be reached at (888) 223 2003 and the company maintains a Twitter account as well as a Facebook profile.

What do you think? Leave a comment below.

Posted by Adam Peters in Guns, 0 comments
Left-Wing Violence Has Reached A Tipping Point

Left-Wing Violence Has Reached A Tipping Point

We may never be able to help the anti-gun crowd understand that being armed does not (and should never) equate to looking for a gun fight. The consensus on the left is that anyone carrying a gun in public is seeking out a fight. Many believe the notion, that if you carry a gun you are some sort of vigilante hoping for the opportunity to shoot someone. This is why they’re unable to see Kyle Rittenhouse as someone simply defending himself. 

The beliefs of many on the left have been molded and manipulated through media-propaganda and consistent left-wing rhetoric, to convince those who don’t know any better that gun owners are encouraging violence by bearing arms in public. The exact opposite is true.

RELATED NEWS: The Democratic Agenda: Taking Guns And Defunding The Police

As we know, defensive gun uses (DGU) save far more lives than offensive gun uses. Gun related deaths, (excluding suicides and law enforcement related incidents) total approximately 3000 per year. According to a study called Armed Resistance to Crime: The Prevalence and Nature of Self-Defense with a Gun by Florida Criminologist Gary Kleck, potential lives saved by armed law-abiding citizens, exceeds 2 1/2 million per year in America alone.

Although the numbers show us that good guys and gals (46% of DGUs are by women) with guns are merely protecting innocent lives, the anti-gun left constantly pushes a false narrative. The notion that gun owners are looking for a fight couldn’t be further from the truth but the accusation says more about the accusers than it does about the lawful American gun owners.

RELATED NEWS: Guns Can Make The Difference Between Survivors And Statistics

Sigmund Freud coined the term “projection.” Projection is the act of placing the thoughts that are occurring in your head onto someone else and blaming them for it. The idea that the anti-gun crowd can’t see gun ownership from a perspective other than the gun owner looking for trouble, tells us that the thought of instigating a fight and inflicting violence on others harbors itself deep in the psyche of the anti-gun leftist and not the lawful, American.

The political left continues to encourage this idea that gun ownership is a gateway to violence, or that guns actually cause violence. They even created the term “gun-violence” to perpetuate the lie. Logical thinking people understand that there is no such thing as “gun-violence, only “human-violence.” The radicals also encourage leftist political supporters to believe that they have been victimized and their acts of violence and destruction in the streets of cities across America are justified. Is it a coincidence that these two mental components are being programmed into the minds of formerly logical thinking people? What is the intended outcome of this type of psychological programming? 

What are the two messages being consistently taught to radical leftists?

1. Guns are for violence

2. Political violence is justified 

The crazed looks that we see on the faces of angry radical anarchists who engage in violence and destruction does not occur organically. These hate-fueled actions are encouraged by thoughts of retribution and the idea that revenge is justified. They believe they are the good guys. These thoughts are cultivated by a destructive media and a very dangerous political party pushing a message that violence is okay if the cause is just.

If you’ll notice, condemning the violence has not been high on the priority list of Democrats in Congress, and there’s a simple reason for that. Because for them, mob chaos isn’t a problem to be fixed.

It’s a tool to be used.

Dan Wos is a nationally recognized 2nd Amendment advocate who is the author of Good Gun Bad Guy and Good Gun Bad Guy 2. He also hosts a podcast called Good Gun Bad Guy Radio. Go behind the lies of the anti-gun radicals and find out what they hoped you would never know.

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Posted by Dan Wos in Antifa, Featured Stories, Guns, 0 comments
Biden Says He Didn’t Promise To Ban Fracking. The Video Says Otherwise

Biden Says He Didn’t Promise To Ban Fracking. The Video Says Otherwise

Exports of liquefied natural gas have exploded in recent years, and that’s largely due to the development of fracking technology. Fracking has lead to major economic gains in places like Pennsylvania and Ohio, which is probably why Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden insists he has no intention of stopping it.

“I am not banning fracking,” Biden told reporters at a campaign stop in Pittsburgh earlier this month. “Let me say that again. I am not banning fracking, no matter how many times Donald Trump lies about me.”

Still, he can’t really blame President Trump for the confusion, because there’s someone else who has also said that Joe Biden wants to outlaw fracking. His name?

Joe Biden.

During a March 15 debate with Sen. Bernie Sanders, Biden said that he does indeed want to ban fracking. However, he didn’t stop there.

“No more drilling on federal lands,” the former vice president declared. “No more drilling, including off-shore. No ability for the oil industry to drill, period.”

Biden isn’t the only one who has called for an energy crackdown; his running mate has as well. At a 2019 CNN town hall, Sen. Kamala Harris promised she would immediately ban fracking on public land and push to end the practice altogether.

“There’s no question I’m in favor of banning fracking,” she told an audience member, adding that she “has a history” of opposing the practice in California. Later, she pledged to stop off-shore oil drilling as well.

It’s not clear how these restrictions would help the planet; after all, natural gas is considered a cleaner source of energy than coal or petroleum products.

What’s more, Americans won’t stop needing oil; the only question is whether it will be produced under EPA supervision or imported from countries where environmental standards are far more loose. The fact that some of those countries are hostile powers isn’t encouraging either.

Prior to the outbreak of COVID-19, President Trump oversaw the strongest economy in decades. A substantial portion of that success lay in energy production, something that he promises to promote by simplifying and streamlining regulations.

On the other hand, Joe Biden has conveniently forgotten his commitment to sabotage the energy industry. Perhaps that isn’t surprising: sometimes he forgets what state he’s in.

What do you think? Leave a comment below.

Posted by Adam Peters in Campaign 2020, 0 comments