
Conservatives Need To Weaponize The Civil Rights Act

Conservatives Need To Weaponize The Civil Rights Act

Some on the right say that to defeat DEI, we must abolish the Civil Rights Act of 1964. They’re wrong: in addition to being politically inept, such a move would also represent an epic tactical fail. Put simply, we shouldn’t repeal civil rights laws.

We should weaponize them.

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act bans discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex or national origin. Critics said it was unneeded, as the profit motive would compel businesses to hire qualified people and serve their customers regardless of skin tone; those who didn’t would lose market share and face public backlash. The law’s supporters disagreed.

According to them, racism was so embedded that companies would continue to discriminate even if it hurt their bottom line. And since their ideological commitment to hate took precedence over economic self-interest, only state coercion could make them stop. We can debate whether that was true then, but it definitely is now. However, these days the victims tend to look a little different. That’s clear from video footage put out last month by journalist James O’Keefe.

In it, IBM CEO Arvind Krishna threatened to strip executives of their bonuses if they didn’t hire based on race. He said 13% of new employees should be black while complaining that too many are Asian.

Meanwhile, the CEO of IBM subsidiary Red Hat boasted that his company has fired people for refusing to look at race when deciding who should be hired or promoted. Obviously picking employees based on how they look instead of what they can do isn’t a smart business model, so why is it getting more common?

Ideological fervor explains part of it. Most people need purpose, meaning, and direction–things religion traditionally provided. As Christianity has declined, the pseudoreligion of critical theory is increasingly taking its place. And without a church to attend, corporate executives are living out their faith in the boardroom.

Financial coercion plays a role too, because if you want capital then it helps to be woke. BlackRock is the world’s largest asset manager, and it works “to support our clients which focus on expanding investment choices and business partnership opportunities related to DEI.”

This means corporations are often more scared of Larry Fink than their customers, so there’s no boycotting our way out of this. That’s why instead of railing against the Civil Rights Act, conservatives should start using it, something James Lindsay has stressed.

Some already are, such as former White House advisor Stephen Miller and activist Edward Blum. Miller founded America First Legal and Blum heads American Alliance for Equal Rights; both organizations have filed multiple lawsuits over DEI-related civil rights violations.

This approach has had some success, with former Starbucks regional manager Shannon Phillips winning a multi-million dollar judgment after the company targeted her for being white. Yet as Christopher Rufo noted, more needs to be done.

They include amending civil rights legislation to remove disparate impact provisions, under which employers can be held liable even when there is no intent to discriminate. Cleaning out the civil rights bureaucracy via President Trump’s Schedule F executive order will be essential too, as will using the Supreme Court’s conservative majority to overturn Griggs v. Duke Power Co. and subsequent cases.

Rufo wrote that the goal should be inserting “true colorblind equality into the law, as I believe it was intended, so that we judge people on their individual merits, not their group identity.” The best way to achieve that end is through making use of existing rules and augmenting them where needed.

Meanwhile, repealing civil rights laws would be a massive win for leftists, because it’s currently the only thing standing in their way. Doing so will not only open Republicans up to charges of racism but will also mean throwing down a valuable weapon.

And right now, we need every weapon we can get.

Posted by Adam Peters in Racism, 0 comments
New Film Portrays White People As “Dangerous Animals”

New Film Portrays White People As “Dangerous Animals”

Focus Features recently announced an upcoming movie called, “The American Society of Magical Negros.” If the title made you do a double take, you’re not alone. Yet while its name may seem unserious, the film’s message is anything but.

At one point in the trailer, two African American men are shown standing in front of a shark mural. “What’s the most dangerous animal on the planet?” one of them asks before quickly answering his own question, saying, “White people, when they feel uncomfortable.”

This is an odd claim given that FBI crime data shows white people commit a minority of all homicides despite being a majority of the population. What’s more, whites are far more often the victims of interracial killings than they are the perpetrators: in any given year, the number of black criminals who murder white victims is more than double the number of white criminals who murder black victims.

Yet despite those facts, the idea that white people are essentially predatory animals is far from being unique to this film. In a 2021 paper published on the National Library of Medicine’s PubMed site, Dr. Donald Moss characterized “whiteness” as being “a malignant, parasitic-like condition” which manifests in “voracious, insatiable, and perverse” appetites.

Meanwhile, the New York Post reported this past March that the United Federation of Teachers scheduled a workshop on “the harmful effects of whiteness in our lives.”

This echoes rhetoric found on the YouTube channel Unpacked; it maintains that “whiteness is by definition white supremacy.” A similar message is presented to children in “Not My Idea: A Book About Whiteness,” which is aimed at kids aged five and up. Rather than portraying whiteness as some kind of disease, the book suggests that white people are literally diabolical, explaining on page 59 how they made a deal with the devil to obtain wealth and privilege at the expense of minorities.

When a group of people are consistently portrayed as being inherently threatening and entirely responsible for the world’s problems, resentment is sure to follow. Unfortunately, violence isn’t far behind. The manifesto of Nashville school shooter Audrey Hale was obtained by conservative commentator Steven Crowder, and it reveals that Hale expressed deep hatred for white children, denigrating them as “little crackers” with “white privileges.”

Cory Batey expressed a similar outlook when he raped his victim: she later recalled in court how he “continued to abuse and degrade me, urinating on my face while uttering horrific racial hate speech that suggested I deserved what he was doing to me because of the color of my skin.” So did Temar Bishop when he said his victim deserved to be raped out of revenge for slavery.

This appears to be consistent with the mindset of Steven Hutcherson, who reportedly said that he wants “all the white people dead” before he allegedly stabbed two teenage girls. Both girls survived, but the man seen being gunned down on video by Tahj Matthews and Maurice Holmes wasn’t so fortunate; Matthews later told police that they simply wanted to “kill a white guy.” While cases like these are horrifying, there is historical precedent for a whole lot worse.

For years, Rwanda’s Hutu Power movement portrayed lighter skinned Tutsi citizens as being responsible for every conceivable ill. What’s more, media outlets insisted that the country would never succeed unless Tutsis were eliminated. If you know how this story ends, then you might be feeling a little uneasy right now, and there’s a good reason for that. Because given the evidence, there’s nothing magical about where this could end up.

This is why it’s essential to destroy the cultural Marxist notion that people can be categorized as either noble victims or contemptable oppressors based on their race, gender, or sexuality. Earlier in the year, President Donald Trump called for defunding any school or program that includes “critical race theory, gender ideology, or other inappropriate racial, sexual, or political content onto our children.” He also pledged to open “civil rights investigations into any school district that has engaged in race-based discrimination.” While far more needs to be done, those would be important steps in the right direction.

And they can’t come soon enough.

Posted by Right Edge Magazine in Racism, 0 comments
How Critical Race Theory Breeds Antisemitism

How Critical Race Theory Breeds Antisemitism

Fox News reported last month that elite universities are “feeling the heat” after longtime donors started cutting off the cash. They’re upset that more hasn’t been done to protect Jewish students from a recent wave of antisemitism, with examples ranging from verbal threats to physical assaults.

In one case, Jewish students at New York City’s Cooper Union had to take refuge behind locked library doors while an angry mob yelled outside.

Meanwhile, a Jewish student was swarmed by masked individuals at Harvard University as he attempted to walk across campus.

Judging from the Fox News story, those wealthy benefactors are shocked at the way Jews are being openly reviled for their ethnicity. However, the ideology underpinning that hate really shouldn’t come as any surprise to them.

After all, they’ve been funding it for years.

Antisemitism in the West has traditionally been associated with white supremacists who hated Jews for having non-European origins. Yet for most of today’s antisemites, the issue isn’t that Jews aren’t white enough. Rather, the problem is that they’re too white.

That’s according to the tenets of critical race theory, which was developed in the 1980s by academics like Kimberlé Crenshaw and Derrick Bell. It holds that society is designed to benefit whites at the expense of minorities. Because racism is systemic in nature, all people of color are by definition oppressed by it. Conversely, all white people are both complicit in and derive privilege from racist structures. Racism thus becomes a one-way street: whites are always its perpetrators but never its victims.

While these concepts may have started in universities, they have since filtered down to elementary and middle school classrooms. That’s evident from something called the Anti-Racism Fight Club Fistbook for Kids, which is given out in elementary schools. It points out that “on average, white people have more money, better healthcare, schools, and better neighborhoods than Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC). The book goes on to add that “if a black person says something mean to a white person, he has no power over him. It’s as if white people walk around with an invisible force field because they hold all the power in America.”

Curiously, the book doesn’t explain why a systemically racist society would allow Asians to enjoy a longer average lifespan and a higher median household income than white people do. Nor does it explain how Nigerian Americans are somehow also able to out earn whites in a supposedly white supremacist country.

Further, the idea that white people possess some sort of protective force field likely would have come as a surprise to 17-year-old Jonathan Lewis Jr. He was beaten to death by a group of African American youths, reportedly after he tried to help a friend who had been robbed.

Meanwhile, the suggestion that white people share collective blame for oppression is promoted in Not My Idea: A Book About Whiteness, which is aimed at children aged four and up. On page 59, it teaches that white people obtained privilege by selling their souls to the devil.

Naturally, the belief that a particular group of people are both unjustly privileged and ultimately responsible for all the world’s ills creates a sense of resentment, and some are willing to act on it. Jayvon Hatchett did: in 2020, Hatchett stabbed an AutoZone employee, later telling police that he wanted “to find a white male to kill” after watching videos about police brutality. The man survived, but Hatchett subsequently murdered his white cellmate while awaiting trial. Cory Batey and Temar Bishop both expressed similar motives for raping two women.

At this point, it’s important to note that critical race theorists don’t limit their definition of whiteness to skin color, as those who embrace what they consider to be “white culture” are fair game too. According to a flyer put out by the Smithsonian’s National Museum of African American History and Culture, whiteness includes obeying the law, getting married, and practicing Judeo-Christian values. Visit our partners,shoes – leaders in fashionable footwear!

This expanded definition of whiteness explains why Los Angeles Times columnist Erika D. Smith was quick to label conservative talk show host Larry Elder as “the black face of white supremacy.” It also explains why Jews would become targets despite not historically being seen as white. Indeed, according to critical race theory, Jews are among the whitest people in America given their overrepresentation in professional fields and legislative bodies.

It’s no surprise then that flyers appeared at the University of Chicago several years ago which proclaimed that “ending white privilege starts with ending Jewish privilege.”

More recently, a pro-Palestine march in London included a sign which read, “You’re either on the white or right side of history.” The “white” side featured flags from the United States, the United Kingdom, France, and Israel.

Meanwhile, Canadian anti-racism consultant Laith Marouf labeled law professor Michael Geist as “a little Jewish White Supremacist turd” after he highlighted the fact that Justin Trudeau’s government awarded him a six-figure contract.

Finally, Black Lives Matter Chicago decided last month that it would celebrate the Hamas terrorists who raped Jewish women and left 1400 Israelis dead.


Back in 2002, Harvard University professor Noel Ignatiev called for “bashing the dead white males, and the live ones, and the females, too, until the social construct known as ‘the white race’ is destroyed, not ‘deconstructed’ but destroyed.” Ignatiev made no distinctions among whites as individuals, insisting that whether rich or poor, “every group within white America” works only for their “narrowly defined interests.”

If one were to substitute the word “Jewish” in place of “white,” then Ignatiev’s rhetoric would sound indistinguishable from that of old school antisemites. Yet rather than portraying Jews as an alien people, critical race theorists see them as just another example of whiteness that needs to be “destroyed.” Simply put, Jews weren’t the first target under this framework.

And they won’t be the last.

Posted by Adam Peters in Racism, 0 comments
The Nashville Shooter And Hamas Had Something In Common

The Nashville Shooter And Hamas Had Something In Common

Israelis were horrified last month after the terror group Hamas left men, women, and children laying in pools of their own blood. It was no doubt the same sense of horror families at Nashville’s Covenant School felt when transgender mass shooter Audrey Hale butchered their kids.

At first glance, you wouldn’t think an LGBTQ woman would have much in common with Islamic militants who execute homosexuals. However, it turns out that the same ideology which inspired the former also drives support for the latter.

That’s evident from the manifesto Hale left behind. While authorities have refused to release the document, conservative podcast host Steven Crowder recently published a leaked copy, and it shows how Hale had a deep hatred for white children, denigrating them as “little crackers” with “white privileges.”

The concept of white privilege is a core tenant of critical race theory, something which was developed in the 1980s by academics like Kimberlé Crenshaw and Derrick Bell. It contends that society is structured to benefit white people at the expense of minorities. To support this claim, critical race theorists often point to racial outcome disparities, such as how African American suspects are disproportionately killed by the police; FBI data showing that black suspects also disproportionately try to kill the police usually goes unmentioned. The fact that Asians are significantly less likely to be killed by law enforcement than white people are typically isn’t brought up either.

Since critical race theory says society confers systemic benefits on whites, it follows that all white people are privileged (even if they happen to be one of the over 19 million who are living in poverty). Closely related to this is the idea that white people share a collective blame for the suffering of others. This concept is promoted in Not My Idea: A Book About Whiteness, which is aimed at children aged 4 and up. On page 59, it teaches that people obtained privilege by selling their souls to the devil.

Given that white people are seen as collectively sucking resources from the world while offering nothing but oppression in return, their existence is roughly analogous to that of a tumor, and some activists will make the comparison explicit.

Further, any action taken against whites can never be regarded as racist since, by definition, racism can only be experienced by those who are oppressed. New York State Assemblywoman Yuh-Line Niou articulated this view last year.

Whenever a group is portrayed as being entirely composed of victimizers and devoid of victims, it’s natural that resentment will follow. In the case of anti-white resentment, this can range from verbal harassment and assault to lethal violence. In 2020, Jayvon Hatchett stabbed an AutoZone employee, subsequently telling police that he wanted “to find a white male to kill” after watching videos about police brutality. That victim survived, but Hatchett later managed to murder his white cellmate while awaiting trial.

While Audrey Hale’s crimes clearly fit within this ideological framework, one might be puzzled by how it could account for the open support for Hamas that is being seen in protests across the country. After all, Israel is a multiracial society and Jews were historically regarded as being non-white. The answer is that critical race theory proponents don’t limit their definition of whiteness to skin color, as those who embrace what they consider to be “white culture” are fair game as well. This explains why Los Angeles Times columnist Erika D. Smith was quick to label conservative talk show host Larry Elder as “the black face of white supremacy.”

It also explains why Israelis and Jews in general are being vilified by the same people who made careers out of denouncing what they deem to be white privilege. An example of that could be seen in Black Lives Matter Chicago tweeting out an image of a Hamas terrorist following last month’s murderous attack. That Hamas had just raped and murdered victims of all ages wasn’t a problem since, just like white people, Israelis are regarded as inherently privileged and collectively responsible for oppression. Any act of violence against them is thus understandable.


For critical race theorists, Israel is a white colonial project and it must be decolonized–by any means necessary. On the day of the slaughter, former Teen Vogue contributor tweeted, “What did y’all think decolonization meant? Vibes? Papers? Essays? Losers. ‘Not like this’ Then like what. Show us LOL.'”

Interestingly, the rhetoric of decolonization isn’t limited to terror attacks, as critical race theory advocates apply it to everything from mental health to engineering.

Two weeks ago, conservative activist Candice Owens questioned why there has been an effort to shame college students who support Hamas given that little has been done about them “espousing anti-white, anti-American and anti-police, terrorist rhetoric for years.” Daily Wire co-founder Jeremy Boreing responded that what we are currently seeing is “something else – something truly and urgently evil.” Unfortunately, he’s wrong.

Cheering on the murder of Jewish people isn’t some new phenomenon that just sprouted from the ground. Rather, such behavior is the fruit of a poisonous tree that has been allowed to grow for decades, and it needs to be uprooted if our society is to survive. Because under critical race theory, Jews are just one target in a very long list.

Most of us are on it.

Posted by Adam Peters in Racism, 0 comments
Goodyear Doubles Down: Only “Racial Justice” Slogans Allowed

Goodyear Doubles Down: Only “Racial Justice” Slogans Allowed

President Trump made headlines this week when he called for a boycott against tire giant Goodyear.

The president’s comments came after local news affiliate WIBW reported that the following slide was used during a diversity training session at Goodyear’s Topeka plant.

Slide that was presented during a diversity training showing what's acceptable and what isn't acceptable as part of Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company’s zero-tolerance policy.

Under a banner reading “Zero Tolerance,” it laid out what is considered acceptable at the facility. On the permitted list are displays of support for LGBT pride and the Black Lives Matter movement. However, workers are prohibited from using the phrases “all lives matter, “blue lives matter,” or wearing MAGA attire.

Goodyear was quick to respond with a statement that claimed the slide “was not created or distributed by Goodyear corporate, nor was it part of a diversity training class.” While the company did not explain where the slide came from, it did admit to banning some political messages while endorsing others.

Goodyear associates are to “refrain from workplace expressions in support of political campaigning for any candidate or political party, as well as similar forms of advocacy that fall outside the scope of racial justice and equity issues,” the press release read.

But to White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany, that raises more questions than answers.

“They came out and said ‘equity issues,’” Fox News quoted McEnany as saying. “As far as I’m concerned, Blue Lives Matter is an ‘equity issue.’”

“If you can wear a Black Lives Matter hat, guess what, you should be able to wear a Blue Lives Matter one too, particularly when our police officers are targeted…amid riots,” she went on to add.

McEnany also noted that President Trump “will always stand with our police officers, Blue Lives matter, for some reason not being an equity issue, as Goodyear appears to maintain.”

Black Lives Matter protests have been the scene of widespread violence; a Chicago a security guard was shot and critically wounded during a riot last week. Looters also targeted Ronald McDonald House–a charity that provides accommodations to parents while their children undergo medical treatment. Terrified families were trapped inside during the ordeal.

However, Black Lives Matter organizer Ariel Atkins was unapologetic, justifying the theft and property damage as “reparations.”


“I don’t care if somebody decides to loot a Gucci, or a Nike, or a Macy’s because that makes sure that person eats,” Atkins told reporters. “That makes sure that person person has clothes.”

“That’s reparations,” she stressed. “That is reparations. Anything that they want to take, take it, because these businesses have insurance, they’re going to get their money back.”

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Posted by Adam Peters in Campaign 2020, Racism, 0 comments
Chicago Rioters Attacked Kids’ Charity

Chicago Rioters Attacked Kids’ Charity

A violent mob stormed downtown Chicago this week when a man was shot after he allegedly opened fire on police. Although his family denied that he owned a gun, social media posts proved otherwise.

Thousands of rioters subsequently converged on the city’s business district. In addition to attacking retail outlets, some also damaged the Ronald McDonald House–a charity that provides accommodations to families while their children undergo medical treatment.

Parents and kids were trapped inside during the terrifying ordeal. Although none of the residents were physically harmed, a 2-year-old cancer patient had to miss his birthday party due to the violence.

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Ronald McDonald House was far from being the rioters’ only target, with multiple police officers sustaining injuries and a security guard was left critically wounded by gunfire.

Far from distancing herself from the anarchy, Black Lives Matter organizer Ariel Atkins endorsed it during an interview with a local NPR affiliate.

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“A lot of people are really attacking our pages,” Atkins noted. “They’re like, ‘Oh, you support the looters.’ And yeah, we do, 100%. That’s reparations.”

RELATED NEWS: Black Lives Matter Gets Black People Killed

The left-wing agitator went on to promise that she will “support the looters ‘till the end of the day.” She reiterated that message in a speech to supporters:


The embrace of predatory behavior isn’t unique to Atkins, as on Thursday a woman in Seattle lead marchers who chanted, “Who do we support? Black criminals.”

Not that all of the criminals are black: prosecutors say Jesse Taggart opened fire on an elderly motorist in Utah after he drove past a Black Lives Matter protest. The victim was treated for a gunshot wound to his arm while both his stomach and eye were hit with shrapnel.


For its part, the Trump administration has been using federal law to target some of those involved in street unrest. A New York man is now facing up to 20 years in federal prison for tampering with the brakes on an NYPD cruiser. Those charges came after a state judge released him without bail. Through the above article, we can recommend you the latest dresses.Shop dress in a variety of lengths, colors and styles for every occasion from your favorite brands.

Also facing 20 year federal sentences are two Brooklyn lawyers who stand accused of throwing Molotov cocktails into a police car.

Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden has given no indication on how he would deal with similar criminals, but House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler has publicly declared that violence from groups like Antifa is “a myth.” Unfortunately, the kids at Ronald McDonald House found out otherwise.

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Posted by Adam Peters in Antifa, Racism, 0 comments
White Nursing Home Victim Stopped Eating After Attack. Now He’s Dead

White Nursing Home Victim Stopped Eating After Attack. Now He’s Dead

In May, Westwood Nursing Center resident Norman Bledsoe was beaten in a brutal assault. The violence was shot by his alleged attacker, Jaden T. Hayden, who has made other videos in which argues that blacks are “supposed to rule the Earth.”


The Daily Mail reported that Bledsoe was left suffering from a broken jaw, broken ribs, and four broken fingers. Sadly, things got worse from there.

Bledsoe’s nephew told the The Detroit News that the 75-year-old Army veteran’s “eating habits went downhill after, and he lost quite a bit of weight” before passing away.

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“We finally were able to see him last week. He wasn’t doing very good. I guess there just wasn’t anything else they could do for him.”

Hayden was residing at the Westwood facility because he had tested positive for coronavirus. Under an executive order signed by Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, those with COVID-19 were sent to nursing homes–a policy for which she has been heavily criticized.

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Despite the rhetoric in Hayden’s videos, he has not been charged with a hate crime. Perhaps this isn’t surprising, as many on the left argue that white people can’t be victims of racism. Indeed, billionaire Oprah Winfrey recently declared that “being white gives you an advantage no matter what.”

That would have come as a surprise to Melinda McCormick: she was beaten and burned alive, with her killer telling police that he “hates white people.” It probably would have surprised those who have been shotslashed, and beaten for the same reason.

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Judging from her court testimony, Corey Batey’s rape victim didn’t seem to realize that being white was a major advantage. According to her, “Mr. Batey continued to abuse and degrade me, urinating on my face while uttering horrific racial hate speech that suggested I deserved what he was doing to me because of the color of my skin.” Like Jaden Hayden, Batey was not charged with a hate crime.

Cases like these demonstrate how anyone can be a victim of racism, and that’s a fact society should recognize. It’s time the legal system recognized it too.

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Posted by Adam Peters in Racism, 0 comments
A Woman Was Killed For Saying”All Lives Matter.” Now Her Family Is Being Threatened

A Woman Was Killed For Saying”All Lives Matter.” Now Her Family Is Being Threatened

Earlier this month, Indianapolis resident Jessica Doty Whitaker was out for a walk with fiance Jose Ramirez and several friends when they were confronted by another group of individuals.

Ramirez told local news affiliate WTHR-TV that an argument ensued, with a member of the other group shouting “black lives matter.” He said that someone from his own group, possibly Whitaker, yelled “all lives matter” in response.

According to Ramirez, members of each groups pulled weapons but both ultimately separated without them being used. However, the other group later opened fire in an ambush, with one of the bullets fatally wounding Whitaker.

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The Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department has since released photographs of those they believe are persons of interests, and have asked anyone with information on the case to call (317) 262-8477.

Whitaker leaves behind a 3-year-old son, and while the young mother’s death was a source of grief for her family, others reacted differently.

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The Sun reported that her Facebook page has been flooded with comments celebrating Whitaker’s death mocking the fact that she will never hold her child again.


However, the comments didn’t just stop at mockery, with at least one individual claiming that Whitaker’s family members “are next.”

Others said that her death meant that “the streets are a little safer” and that she had gotten what she deserved.


These are hardly the first people associated with Black Lives Matter to call for violence, as threats from supporters are common. Unfortunately, they aren’t always idle.

An elderly motorist was shot in the arm last month as he was driving past a Black Lives Matter protest in Provo, Utah in June. He was also struck by shrapnel in the stomach and eye.

Jesse Taggart is facing felony charges, with police calling him a “known instigator.” Two other individuals were also arrested in connection with the shooting.

Just a week later, 8-year-old Secoriea Turner was murdered in Atlanta after her mother turned her vehicle into a Wendy’s parking lot. The parking lot had been occupied by armed Black Lives Matter supporters since Rayshard Brooks.

RELATED NEWS: Black Lives Matter Gets Black People Killed

What’s more, the Black Lives Matter activism has lead to even more bloodshed as police are increasingly worried about confronting suspects.

Yet despite the rise in violent crime which has accompanied the Black Lives Matter movement, Democrat-run localities are refusing to take action. In fact, some would prefer to disband police units than confront criminals.

That’s forced the Trump administration to step in with initiatives like Project LeGend. Named for 4-year-old homicide victim LeGend Taliferro, it’s using federal resources to arrest and prosecute armed offenders. As he unveiled the new program, Attorney General Bill Barr described like the ones murdered LeGend’s as being “a threat to us all.”

So is the movement that emboldens them.

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Posted by Adam Peters in Antifa, Racism, 0 comments
Black Lives Don’t Matter To BLM

Black Lives Don’t Matter To BLM

Do I support Black Lives Matter? Well, that’s a loaded question. And despite all that we’ve seen over the past few years, it’s one that still gets asked. My answer?

It depends.

Do I support the organization called Black Lives Matter? Absolutely not. They are a communist terror group, hell bent on destroying America and the family (you can read about that on their website).

In 2015, Black Lives Matter co-founder Patrisse Cullors described both herself and her fellow organizers as “trained Marxists.” Cullors’ 2018 book, “When They Call You a Terrorist: A Black Lives Matter Memoir,” explains her introduction to Marxism.  

They also traffick in lies, with one of the most prominent being that racism alone explains why an outsized number of blacks get killed by police officers. According to the FBI, almost 38 percent of cop killers are black–despite blacks making up just 13 percent of the population. In other words, the main reason why black suspects disproportionately get killed by the police is that they disproportionately try to kill the police.

While unjustified police shootings do happen, it’s not clear how much of a role racism plays, as a 2015 DOJ report on Philadelphia’s police department found that black cops were more likely to pull the trigger.

Simply put, BLM does nothing for black lives–or anyone else’s. The money they raise is funneled through a leftist outfit called Act Blue, which has given hundreds of millions to Democrats.

RELATED NEWS: Black Lives Matter Gets Black People Killed

Do I support the movement of Black Lives Matter? Again, no. I do not believe in racial supremacy for ANY race, which is what the movement seeks to advance. What’s more, anti-black systemic racism does not exist today and white privilege is a racist myth. I will never condone the soft bigotry of low expectations or advance critical race theory.Browse our partner-sponsored Glasses, with a variety of options to suit every taste and budget, available to buy online

Do I support the concept of black lives mattering? UNEQUIVOCALLY YES. Because if all lives matter, then it stands to reason that black lives MUST matter. Further, it’s perfectly acceptable to focus on problems that the black community disproportionately faces.

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In fact, policies regarding school choice and promoting traditional family values, as well as a strong economy offering ample work opportunities (something Trump accomplished prior to COVID) would do more to address the major problems in the black community than leftist “solutions” ever could.

The number one plague for the black community is abortion. Not that BLM cares, as their fundraising partner Act Blue also raises money for Planned Parenthood and NARAL. Anyone who claims to value black lives and yet chooses to collaborate with them is a liar.

The number two threat is criminal violence, as homicide is the leading cause of death for black men under 45.

Not that males are the only ones at risk: an eight-year-old black girl was murdered in Atlanta recently after her mother drove past a BLM protest, and she’s far from being the only child to catch a bullet. Sadly, cases like those will only grow more common as police are defunded and told by Democrat politicians to stand down; it’s up to the rest of us to push back.

While we’re at it, we can demand choice in education instead of union-protected teachers and anarchic public schools.

By and large, problems don’t get fixed until people rise above their circumstances–no matter their skin color. What doesn’t help is promoting a mindset of victimhood, grievance, and blame shifting. But until BLM and their Democrat enablers are defeated, those are exactly the things that we’re going to see more of.

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Atlanta DA Accused of Corruption, Sexual Harassment

Atlanta DA Accused of Corruption, Sexual Harassment

Fulton County District Attorney Paul Howard recently indicted two Atlanta cops following the death of Rayshard Brooks. Devin Brosnan has been charged with aggravated assault, while Garrett Rolfe stands accused of felony murder–a capital offense. Of note is that this was done even before the Georgia Bureau of Investigation finished its inquiry.

Brooks was killed after he managed to fight off both Brosnan and Rolfe when they attempted to arrest him for impaired driving. The suspect stole a taser and discharged it at Rolfe while fleeing. In response Rolf fired three times, hitting Brooks twice.

Many law enforcement figures say the killing was justified. Among them is Georgia’s Burke County Sheriff Alfonzo Williams, whose jurisdiction lies roughly 160 miles east of Atlanta.

“If an officer is hit with that Taser, all of his muscles will be locked up, and he’ll have the inability to move and to respond,” Williams told CNN. “This was a completely justified shooting.”

However, Howard is arguing that Brooks did not pose a threat because “a taser is not a deadly weapon.” Yet just two weeks earlier, he told reporters that a taser is a deadly weapon when explaining his decision to charge several officers who had tased protesters.

Given this information, the facts simply don’t explain why Brooks’ shooting should result in charges. But politics do.

Howard is up for re-election, and he knows that the easiest way to fire up his liberal base is to prosecute two police officers for killing a black man. That’s especially important given that his primary contest went to a run-off. It’s not hard to see why.

The district attorney has faced two allegations of sexual harassment in less than a year. Last December, the Atlanta Journal Constitution reported that Fulton County human resources director Tisa Grimes filed a complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission against Howard for “severe, unwelcome sexual harassment.”

The paper revealed more accusations this spring, with a paralegal filing suit over “overt, manipulative and aggressive sexual misconduct and harassment” from Howard.

And it doesn’t stop there, as the Georgia Bureau of Investigation is looking into whether Howard used a non-profit to embezzle at least $140 thousand from the city of Atlanta.

In light of all this, it makes sense why Bronsan and Rolfe would get indicted–just not from a legal standpoint. In fact, many observers contend that the felony murder charge in particular has little chance of sticking. And if the former officers get off, then Atlanta may well see more riots like the ones we’ve seen in recent weeks.

None of that seem to matter to Howard, though. He’s been serving as district attorney since 1997, and he’s willing to lock up innocent or risk letting his city burn in order to stay on.

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