Democrats have held a series of events this year. Billed as “debates,” each has actually been more of a contest to see who can take the most extreme positions. Former HUD Secretary Julian Castro was the winner on abortion: not content with public funding for late-term abortion, Castro said in July that he wanted it extended to trans women–their lack of ovaries not withstanding.
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Another area of competition? Illegal immigration. Every candidate opposes building a border wall and all but two pledged to decriminalize illegal border crossings. When asked if they would provide illegal aliens with government funded health care, the answer was unanimous:
If you’re looking to encourage illegal immigration, then these policies will do it. Of course, encouraging illegal immigration also encourages the things that go with it.
Democrats would rather you not mention them.
A Center for Immigration Studies report showed that states with the largest number of illegal immigrants also suffer from the highest levels of employment-related identity theft; the consequences can be devastating. James Di Napoli knows all about them. A disabled veteran, Di Napoli went to college after leaving the Army, but that changed when illegals started using his Social Security number.
Di Napoli’s unexplained jump in income meant he was no longer eligible for financial aid and was required to pay back the money he had already received. Thanks to that and the damage to his credit, Di Napoli ended up homeless. Rep. Doug Lamborn took up Di Napoli’s cause, but the state of California wasn’t as concerned: then state Attorney General Kamala Harris refused to help find the identity thieves. Considering her rhetoric, that isn’t surprising:
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Another CIS report laid out how illegal immigration suppresses wages for blue collar jobs, with the biggest impact felt among minorities:
Because most illegal immigrants overwhelmingly seek work in the low skilled labor market and because the black American labor force is so disproportionately concentrated in this same low wage sector, there is little doubt that there is significant overlap in competition for jobs in this sector of the labor market. Given the inordinately high unemployment rates for low skilled black workers (the highest for all racial and ethnic groups for whom data is collected), it is obvious that the major looser in this competition are low skilled black workers.
Then there’s the threat posed by transnational gangs like MS-13, whose victims are often decapitated, carved open, or raped and labeled as “property.” While the Trump administration has gone after illegal gang members, the effort is hampered when Democrat-run sanctuary jurisdictions refuse to cooperate. And even when violent criminals do get deported, the lack of a wall means there’s nothing to stop them from walking right back in.
Bonifacio Oseguera-Gonzalez proved that; he was deported six times prior to killing three people. Fraider Diaz-Carbajal confessed to a murder after illegally re-entering the US. Luis Bracamontes was deported twice before he murdered two police officers and wounded an African American motorist (at trial Bracamontes shouted, “Black lives don’t matter!”). Accused murderer Antonio Vasquez Vargas has eight deportations under his belt. And in 2016, Tomas Martinez-Maldonado was charged with sexually assaulting a 13 year-old after he had been kicked out of the country on nineteen occasions. Preventing crimes like these isn’t a Democrat priority.
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Providing health care and leaving the border uncontrolled carry a high cost, and they don't just stop at your taxes. Because if Democrats roll out the welcome mat, then Americans need to do something else.
Lock their doors and check their credit reports.
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