
Congress Passed A Resolution Condemning Hate. Guess Who Wasn’t Mentioned…

Congress Passed A Resolution Condemning Hate. Guess Who Wasn’t Mentioned…

During an interview last year, Rep. Steve King tied white nationalism and white supremacy to Western civilization, wondering “how did that language become offensive?” The reaction was swift: King was stripped of his committee assignments and the House passed a resolution that explicitly condemned his comments. Similarly, after Rep. Ilhan Omar made a series of anti-Semitic statements, Congress also passed a resolution…that denounced Islamophobia.


The opening paragraph condemned both anti-Semitism and anti-Muslim bigotry as "hateful expressions of intolerance that are contrary to the values and aspirations of the United States." When legislators condemned white supremacy, they saw no need to also mention anti-white hate, but this resolution wasn't so focused: Sikhs, Hindus, the LGBTQ community, immigrants, and people of color were all added to the list. Strangely, the largest "traditionally persecuted" group wasn't mentioned.

Christians face gruesome violence around the globe, including in countries where they form the majority: this January, terrorists murdered twenty Christians in the Philippines and hundreds have been killed in Nigeria so far this year. Nor is anti-Christian hate only found outside the West.

In 2017, a militant atheist who said believing in God was "stupid" fatally shot twenty-six people at a Texas church. A French priest was murdered the year before as he conducted Mass, and in 2018 French authorities recorded eight hundred and seventy-five acts of church vandalism. Twelve Christians were drowned by migrants off the coast of Italy in 2015, while a Christian convert in Sweden was stabbed the same day he planned to get baptized. 

Then there's the casual bigotry within popular culture. Taxpayers have had to subsidize anti-Christian art, from a portrayal of Christ in a jar of urine to an image of the Virgin Mary made out of pornography and elephant dung (funding for similar depictions of Mohammed is, shall we say, less forthcoming). Meanwhile, musician Jared Kotler tweeted this the day after more than three hundred Christians were killed in Sri Lanka:

Granted, he did bother to name their religion--Hillary Clinton couldn't even do that, preferring to call the victims "Easter worshippers." Compare this with how she responded to the murder of fifty Muslims in Christchurch, New Zealand:

Why the double standard? Simple: anti-Christian bigots are typically either Muslims or secular leftists--two groups that Democrats don't want to offend. As a result, they'll speak loudly about all types of hate and bigotry.

All except one.

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Posted by Adam Peters in Racism, 0 comments