Joe Biden

Democrats Were Asked To Condemn Antifa. Here’s What They Said

Democrats Were Asked To Condemn Antifa. Here’s What They Said

Journalist Andy Ngo has extensively documented left-wing violence. He’s also experienced it: Ngo was beaten by Antifa members in June, causing a brain hemorrhage. He was also doused with milkshakes that Portland police say contained quick drying cement. The incident wasn’t unique.

A Portland man was punched in the back of the head for holding an American flag; he had to be hospitalized for a concussion. Two Marines were jumped in Philadelphia by a dozen Antifa members. In Berkeley, an Antifa supporting college professor bashed a man over the head with a bike lock. And it doesn’t stop there.

On July 13, Antifa member Willem Van Spronsen attacked an ICE center in Tacoma. Armed with a rifle and what law enforcement called “incendiary devices,” he managed to set a car on fire before being fatally shot. Van Spronsen prepared a manifesto in which he referred to detention facilities as “concentration camps.”

Given how these are a just a few examples of Antifa brutality, you might think condemning the group would be an easy decision. If so, then that’s probably because you aren’t a Democrat who’s running for president.

Turning Point USA has released footage of twelve presidential contenders being asked if they would condemn Antifa. The answers weren’t encouraging

Only two condemned the organization specifically. Gov. Jay Inslee initially seemed confused about what Antifa is, but he did ultimately denounce it by name. So did Rep. Tulsi Gabbard. That was as good as it got.

Former Vice President Joe Biden said, "I denounce all hate groups." Andrew Yang and Rep. John Delaney offered similar statements.

In contrast, Mayor Bill de Blasio, Sen. Bernie Sanders, and Sen. Cory Booker ignored the question, while Rep. Julian Castro laughed at it. Gov. Steve Bullock replied with criticism of President Trump. Marianne Williamson said she wouldn't condemn anyone. Sen. Kristen Gillibrand simply plead ignorance, saying, "I don't know what Antifa is." Unfortunately, none of this is surprising.

Following the Tacoma ICE center attack, "Squad" members AOC, Ilhan Omar, and Ayanna Pressley were asked if they would condemn it. Omar and Pressley refused, while AOC pledged to release a statement at a later time.

Meanwhile, CNN's Chris Cuomo has compared Antifa members to WWII vets:

Thankfully, most people don't see the resemblance; neither does our president. This week, he threatened to name Antifa as "an organization of terror." While it's not clear what practical effect such designation would have, it is a sign that he takes the problem seriously.

Someone has to.

What do you think? Leave a comment below.

Posted by Adam Peters in Antifa, Campaign 2020, 0 comments
The Hyde Amendment: Fewer Abortions AND Unplanned Births

The Hyde Amendment: Fewer Abortions AND Unplanned Births

President Trump kicked off his 2020 campaign recently with a massive Florida rally. But while Trump may have been the event’s star, he wasn’t its only speaker. Another was Trump’s eldest son, who had an new nickname for Vice President Joe Biden: “Floppy Joe.”

There’s no shortage of issues that Biden has flip-flopped on. One of the more recent? The Hyde Amendment. First passed on September 30, 1976, it’s a federal budget rider restricting the use of Medicaid funding to pay for abortion. Despite having supported the Hyde Amendment through out his career, Biden has now pledged to end it. Doing so would lead to more abortions, with the Charlotte Lozier Institute estimating that the Hyde Amendment has saved 2.13 million lives. However, there’s something else that its repeal would lead to.

More unplanned births.

That's evident from a 1996 study published in the Journal of Health Economics. It examined the effect of restricting public funding for abortion, and the findings were clear:

An analysis of 12 years of state-level data indicate that restrictions are associated with a reduction in abortions and either no change or a reduction in births, implying fewer pregnancies. Subsequent analysis of the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (NLSY) is consistent with these findings and show the response is concentrated among the low-income population.

Similarly, a 1999 study found that fewer infants are put up for adoption when abortion laws are tightened. Its authors theorized that "as abortion laws become more restrictive the total number of unwanted births may decrease." Meanwhile, a study of pregnancy and abortion rates in Texas observed that "residents in counties with longer travel distances to the nearest abortion provider have lower abortion rates and lower pregnancy rates."

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What explains those results? Well, when abortion is less available, birth control use and sexual behavior both change, with the result being fewer unplanned pregnancies. A 2008 study on the effects of parental notification laws determined "that the enactment of parental involvement laws significantly reduces risky sexual activity among teenage girls."

Similarly, a 2015 study from the Guttmacher Institute looked at "the relationship between state‐level changes in women's access to abortion and their contraceptive choices." It's conclusion? "Our results indicate that women living in states with more restrictive abortion contexts tend to use highly effective contraceptives." And the results may not be limited to women.

Plenty of men rely on abortion to avoid paying child support, and you can even find online guides explaining how to pressure a woman into getting one:

You need to channel your inner cold, unforgiving, unapologetic asshole nature, as nothing less will suffice. You must not ask, but rather tell her to get an abortion because if she refuses this child will be a bastard. Explain to her in no uncertain terms that you will not be a father to this child. I would avoid personal shots of telling her she is unfit to be a mother because this could backfire on you, but make it clear that if she keeps the baby you will be opting out of fatherhood. Explain that while she may end up collecting the minimum in child support that the state can take from you, in no way will you participate in raising this kid or being a father to it. To instill the seriousness of your message, add that you will refuse any efforts in the future to include you in the child’s life.

If abortion were to become even more available, then such men would have less incentive to use condoms or be selective in their choice of sexual partners. And while they would no doubt succeed in convincing many women to abort, others would choose to carry their children to term.

RELATED NEWS: If Late-Term Abortion Isn't Torture, What Is?

Public funding for abortion would result in more lives being lost. But what the evidence also suggests? That it would lead to more children being born in difficult circumstances. Neither one is something that our tax dollars should be promoting.

What do you think? Leave a comment below.

Posted by Adam Peters in Abortion, 0 comments
Biden Says China Is “Not Competition For Us.” The Facts Say Otherwise

Biden Says China Is “Not Competition For Us.” The Facts Say Otherwise

There are still multiple Democrats vying for their party’s presidential nomination. The current favorite? Joe Biden. Biden is know for a number of things, like putting his hands on women, plagiarism, and lying about his civil rights record. Something he doesn’t have a reputation for? Delivering a clear message. You can see why from some comments he made last month.

China is going to eat our lunch? Come on, man. They can’t even figure out how to deal with the, the, the fact that they have this great division between the China Sea and the mountains in the East–I mean the West. They can’t figure out how they’re gonna deal with the corruption that exists within the system. Now, I mean, I, you know, they’re not bad folks, folks. But guess what? They’re not, they’re not a competition for us.

It’s not obvious how or why “this great division” between the ocean and the mountains would pose some kind of problem for China. What is clear? The Chinese government poses a problem.

China engages in widespread and systemic intellectual property theft. A 2018 report by the US Trade Representative estimated that it costs between $225 and $600 billion dollars annually and robs American companies of their competitiveness. This isn’t a new development: for decades, previous administrations turned a blind eye while American workers paid the price.

And the danger isn’t just economic, as US defense contractors are regular targets of espionage. Weapons technology theft is especially concerning in light of what the Chinese military has been doing.

China is building up its armed forces with a special focus on air and sea power. At the same time, it’s also building a network of artificial islands in the South China Sea and has opened a naval base in East Africa–developments that could give China the power to choke off vital shipping lanes. On their own, these things would be bad enough; that they’re happening with stolen American know how is worse.

Given all this, why would Biden deny China’s growing power? Well, cluelessness is one possibility; corruption is another. His son Hunter Biden has extensive business ties to China. What’s more, the former vice president has openly bragged about pressuring the Ukrainian government to fire a prosecutor who was investigating a company that his son worked for:

The facts are clear: when it comes to China, we need someone who will fight for American jobs and America’s national security. President Trump has been doing that.

Joe Biden won’t.

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Posted by Adam Peters in Campaign 2020, 0 comments