Do you have a passion in life? Christian McQueen does. As he explained in The 10 Slut Commandments, McQueen feels called to “exploit,” “use,” and “turn out” women with “daddy issues.” Of course, this lifestyle does carry some risks. Chief among them? Creating a child. “Never get a slut pregnant,” he warns, and then goes on to extoll the benefits of abortion.
However, Mr. McQueen is a bit of an aberration. After all, most people aren’t fans of abortion, and it’s easy to see why: abortion ends a life. When this is pointed out, many of its defenders will claim that a fetus isn’t human…which begs a question:
Others suggest that a fetus isn’t a seperate life at all, but is somehow part of his or her mother’s body. Christine Quinn did so earlier this year in a debate with Rick Santorum:
Let’s be clear here, Rick, with all of your distortions and horrible tales: When a woman gets pregnant, that is not a human being inside of her. It is part of her body and this is about a woman having full agency and control of her body and making decisions about her body and what is part of her body with medical professionals. Those are the facts and that is the law.
Unfortunately for Quinn, this raises even more questions. Specifically, how could one person have two heart beats? Two sets of fingerprints? Two unique DNA sequences? How could a body part independently feel pain of the person it belongs to? The experience of Gianna Jessen raises another.
Gianna was accidentally delivered during a botched late-term abortion (you can watch her testify before Congress about it below). How did the act of traveling down the birth canal transform her from an unwanted appendage into a person?
Quinn should also explain why late-term abortionist Willie Parker declared, "Abortion kills a human being, I agree. When I admin- do an abortion, I am clear what she is asking me to do for her."
Or what Planned Parenthood’s Dr. Savita Ginde meant when she was recorded looking down at an aborted fetus and stating, “It’s a baby.”
Of course, I doubt Christine Quinn wants to address any of these issues. She probably doesn’t want to talk about how the abortion industry has covered up child rape and human trafficking either. The good news? Pro-lifers do, and there are some other things we like doing as well.
For example, like pointing out how couples seeking to adopt actually outnumber available infants, and that many can be easily found online.
What’s more, we support pregnancy care centers, places where women can find practical assistance and emotional support. Because while abortion advocates may not have answers, the pro-life movement does. — Former Planned Parenthood director Abby Johnson’s book, “The Walls Are Talking: Former Abortion Clinic Workers Tell Their Stories,”contains the testimony of one former clinic worker who saw firsthand how willing her Planned Parenthood facility was to protect a woman’s pimp, even when it was clear the woman was being physically abused.
In the essay titled, “A Special Place in Hell,” a clinic worker writes about a woman named Diane, who was a prostitute and a frequent client at the facility.
For over ten years, Diane had been coming to Planned Parenthood regularly. As the clinic worker points out, she had four separate charts that were “dogeared and falling apart.”
The former clinic worker describes Diane’s visits:
Almost without fail, when we saw Diane she would be infected with one STD or another. We knew that she had a pimp. Typically she would have bruises all over her body, sometimes a black eye or a split lip or a gash in her arm. Many of us assumed that these wounds were inflicted by her pimp, or perhaps the culprit was one of her customers. But we never asked…
The clinic’s unofficial position on prostitution was identical to its stance concerning abortion. A woman had the right to choose what she did with her body. Period. End of story. We were trained to think that prostitution or stripping was as valid a choice for a woman as being a nurse or a lawyer. We were there to treat their recurrent STDs, abort their babies, and send them on their way. Never were we to “judge” their lifestyles.”
The problem with this “nonjudgmental” attitude was that it was clear as day that Diane was in a deeply unhealthy situation. Repeated STDs, extensive physical abuse — these things would concern any legitimate health care provider. But Planned Parenthood, in its effort to promote sexual freedom, allowed Diane’s abuse to continue.
One day Diane came into the clinic escorted…by her pimp.…This guy would terrify Rambo. He was a giant of a man…
Diane cowered at his side, bruised and battered as usual. She seemed so childlike and frail in his presence. It was obvious that he had complete control over her. We got her in and out as quickly as possible that day.
It should have been clear to the Planned Parenthood workers that Diane was being exploited. Her obvious injuries and fearful attitude were red flags showing that she was not participating in the sex trade of her own free will. Her obvious fear of her abusive pimp should have prompted the facility to take steps to protect her. But the facility ignored her plight. They were happy to take the pimp’s money and send Diane back to the street.
The former clinic worker goes on to say:
After she left the clinic that day, I turned over in my mind all the times she had come to the clinic with obvious signs of physical abuse covering her from head to toe, flashing like a neon sign.… We never showed any real warmth or compassion to Diane. She was treated like a child – a dullard that we were forced to deal with. At best, she was regarded with cold indifference.…
The day her pimp brought her to the clinic, the realization that he was the only one that we had really been protecting struck me.
Every one of her black eyes or busted lips cried out to us, begging us to care. But we failed to even ask the most basic questions because we didn’t want to judge her way of life. She left the clinic that day, most certainly returning to a life of cruelty and endless days of servicing men for a paltry sum paid directly to her controlling pimp.
It is clear that Planned Parenthood failed Diane. What is unknown is how many other “Dianes” there are. How many women are Planned Parenthood allowing to be exploited? How many pimps are they helping? How many women and girls are suffering from their indifference? How long before we cut taxpayer funding to an organization that protects pimps and helps them exploit women?
In its sting videos, Live Action has documented multiple situations in which Planned Parenthood workers were willing to cover up the alleged sex trafficking of minors. Live Action sent a man posing as a pimp into different Planned Parenthood facilities to ask about birth control and abortions for his underage sex slaves. No fewer than seven Planned Parenthood facilities offered to help the alleged pimp and hide his sex ring from the authorities. They were more than willing to ignore and overlook his his claimed exploitation of young women.
In one case, a Planned Parenthood worker even gave the pimp advice on how to better run his sex slave “business”:
Planned Parenthood has shown itself willing to cover up sex trafficking and shield pimps from prosecution, caring more about its image than real care for young girls and women. Former Planned Parenthood manager, Ramona Trevino, shares what happens behind closed doors at Planned Parenthood:
Source: Abby Johnson The Walls Are Talking: Former Abortion Clinic Workers Tell Their Stories (San Francisco, CA: Ignatius Press, 2016) 51-53. Used with permission by the author. — And Then There Were None, an organization that helps abortion workers leave the industry, held a webcast where former abortion workers spoke about things they witnessed in the abortion business. Monica Cline was one speaker. Cline worked as a sex educator, and, though not directly employed by Planned Parenthood, worked with the Planned Parenthood abortion franchise extensively. She became the manager of Title X funds, which are government funds given to Planned Parenthood and other organizations to promote sex education, birth control, and teen pregnancy prevention. While the funds do not directly pay for abortion, they free up funds that Planned Parenthood can use to promote and provide abortions.
Cline was sent to conventions where she gave talks to Planned Parenthood workers. She remembers one talk in particular:
I was teaching on human trafficking and statutory rape, and was telling Planned Parenthood staff of Corpus Christi and the Gulf Coast, basically, you’ve got to report when you see a girl coming in with an older man who you can tell is not her father. You know something’s wrong, you’ve got to report that; it’s considered human trafficking. It is also considered statutory rape; you’ve got to report this. And they started laughing. And I said, ‘I don’t think there was anything I said that was funny. What’s going on here?’ And the response was, ‘Honey, if she’s not having sex with this man this week she’ll have another one next week.’
Cline realized then that the Planned Parenthood workers had no intention of reporting statutory rape or sex trafficking. They assumed that the teens coming to Planned Parenthood, even the 13-year-olds, were consenting to sexual activity and would only continue having sex with older men. They saw them as sexually aggressive with no self-control, even though they were just children. Planned Parenthood workers completely ignored the girls’ victimization.
Cline continued:
And so their view of our children is distorted. It’s dehumanized. I don’t know why their hearts are hardened, but they are. And so when a girl or a young man goes there for an abortion, or condoms or testing, they don’t see them with compassion anymore, if they ever did. They see them as just, almost like an animal who can’t control themselves, there always gonna have sex so we’re just going to give them enough lube and condoms and hope they come in to get tested before they get some kind of cancer. They’re not gonna stop statutory rape.
The Planned Parenthood workers told her how they really dealt with statutory rape in their facilities:
One of the things that they even mentioned was, they adopted George Bush’s don’t ask, don’t tell [policy] in the military for homosexuality, so they said well if it’s good enough for Bush, it’s good enough for us. If we don’t ask how old her partner is, we don’t have to tell. And so Planned Parenthood actually allows victims of human trafficking to continue to be victims of human trafficking. And they’re okay with that. I went back to my office and I told my supervisor, listen, I’m trying to teach them about key concepts on title X; they’re admitting that they’re not gonna report cases of statutory rape.
To Cline’s surprise, her supervisor defended the abortion workers:
The response from my supervisor was, ‘Your job is to teach them key concepts, and that’s it.’ She was really upset with me that I challenged that. So they’re not protecting our children, and that’s a message we need to give out to the parents, that so many parents believe that Planned Parenthood and all the other clinics, they must – they’re the experts, they’re the medical staff, they must know better. But they don’t.
Cline also spoke about how Planned Parenthood hid girl’s sexual activity from their parents, even when their partners were adults:
Planned Parenthood likes to keep secrets. They tell the kids, ‘You don’t have to give me your real name. You don’t have to give me a phone number where your parents might find out. Give me the number to your friend’s house so I can remind you to come in for a checkup or remind you to come in for birth control pills.’ They will do anything possible to keep parents out-of-the-way.
Young women who are victimized by statutory rape do not find help at Planned Parenthood.
In Arizona, a 12-year old went to Planned Parenthood pregnant after being raped by her 23-year-old foster brother. The girl herself was in foster care, and very vulnerable. Planned Parenthood did not report the abuse, and it continued. Six months later, the rapist brought her back to Planned Parenthood, pregnant again. Five days afterward, Planned Parenthood finally reported the abuse after allowing the girl to be raped for six more months.
In another case involving a 15-year old, the victim came in with her mother, who let Planned Parenthood know that the man who impregnated her was an adult. The mother was told by Planned Parenthood staff that reporting the abuse was too much of a “hassle.” Instead, the sexual assault was filed in the paperwork as consensual sex.
The abuser was later arrested and charged with numerous cases of sexual assault. At least four of his teenage victims were raped after Planned Parenthood chose not to report the abuse.
In Colorado, a 13-year-old was raped by her step-father, who took her to Planned Parenthood for an abortion. According to a lawsuit that was later filed, the facility committed an abortion on her and sent her back home with her abuser, who continued raping her. The rapes continued for two more months until the mother finally found out about the abuse. The price of Planned Parenthood’s negligence for the girl was two additional months of sexual assault.
Another 13-year-old in California was abused by her father. She went to Planned Parenthood for an abortion, and they gave her one without informing anyone. She came in for another abortion appointment and had an IUD fitted, still being abused by her stepfather. The facility never reported the abuse, but it was eventually brought to light.
In Ohio, a 16-year-old was also sexually abused by her father and went to Planned Parenthood for an abortion. She had been victimized by him for four years, ever since she was eleven. She told the Planned Parenthood workers that she was being forced into sex, but they still did not report the abuse. She endured another year and a half of being raped by her father.
These children were victims. They were not promiscuous adolescents having sex with a different man every day. They were clearly young people being exploited. Planned Parenthood allowed their abuse to continue and, in one case, allowed a rapist to prey on others. Sadly, there are many stories like these.
Monica Cline’s testimony only confirms Planned Parenthood’s typical response to children victimized by older men. Planned Parenthood workers do not report sexual abuse thereby aiding sexual predators, allowing the abuse to continue, and failing the very women and girls they vow to help.
Did your parents ever let you walk home from school? If so, the American Psychological Association (APA) wouldn’t have been pleased. According to the APA, kids shouldn’t even be crossing the street. Its Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performancepublished a study that found children under 14 “lack the perceptual judgment and motor skills to safely cross a busy road consistently.”
Apparently their judgement isn’t totally useless, though: the APA doesn’t have a problem with minors walking into an abortion clinic (provided they don’t cross any streets, of course). Claiming “there is no empirical evidence to suggest that adolescents by about age 14 are less competent to consent to abortion than adults,” the APA has opposed laws requiring both parents to be notified if their minor child seeks one.
For child sex predators, that’s great news. When minors get pregnant, people should ask questions. Colorado’s Office of Children, Youth, & Families thinks so, anyway. It advises caution when a child under 14 “becomes pregnant or contracts a venereal disease.” Staff at Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains weren’t so worried: they said nothing when Timothy Smith brought his 13-year-old stepdaughter in after impregnating her. As one employee admitted, “being thirteen and pregnant alone is not a red flag” there. After the evidence was killed, the abuse resumed.
The staff that helped Edgar Ramirez took a similar approach. He got them to perform an abortion on his 13-year-old daughter and then another one less than 6 months later. And while she didn’t receive much concern, Planned Parenthood did give her something: an IUD.’
These are only a few of the cases that have come to light; there’s no way to know how many victims suffer in silence. Even when they do speak up, there’s no guarantee it’ll do any good. As Live Action’s Sarah Terzo has documented, “choice provider” Willie Parker has acknowledged at least one incident in which he knowingly turned an incest victim back over to her abuser. That fits with how a New Jersey Planned Parenthood clinic director responded to people claiming to be human traffickers; she had no problem arranging abortions for child prostitutes who “can’t speak English” and “won’t know what’s going on.”
President Trump has gone after Planned Parenthood's Title X funding, but thanks to Congress, America's largest abortion chain still receives over million of your dollars--that needs to change. Because while the American Psychological Association might think that fourteen year-olds can't be trusted to cross the street, Planned Parenthood just can't be trusted.
Note: This article was originally published at Secular Pro-Life. — Planned Parenthood facilities and other abortion providers have a long history of enabling the sexual exploitation of teenage girls and protecting abusers. When minors show up at abortion facilities, they are sometimes pregnant by older men. An older man who has sex with a teenage girl commits statutory rape. Abortion facilities are required to report, but many don’t. Former abortion workers have spoken out about how and why they avoided reporting the sexual abuse of minors.
Live Action’s Mona Lisa Investigation found that seven different Planned Parenthood centers in five different states ignored statutory rape reporting laws and covered up the sexual abuse of minors.
In a webcast sponsored by the pro-life group And Then There Were None, a former abortion worker explained how her facility avoided reporting statutory rape. And Then There Were None is a group founded by former Planned Parenthood director Abby Johnson.
In one webinar sponsored by this group, a former abortion worker from a facility in Texas said:
During the times that my training, I shadowed a few minor encounters, and there were times when the minor reported that her partner was more than four years older than her and upon hearing it the first time my trainer would then ask other questions, and eventually the minor would see where it was heading, you know, toward a report, and the minor would backtrack, and think, “oh no, I don’t know, maybe he was only three years older than me,” or you know – my trainer would kind of give hints that, you know, four years is leading toward a report, so you need to fix it, not directly, like with the tone of her voice. And the minor would backtrack and say, “maybe I’m mistaken.”
And we would take the lower age just so that we wouldn’t have to report it. This is what my trainer used to do, you know, kind of coerce them into saying something that wouldn’t lead to report.
Former abortion worker Shelley Guillory explained why abortion facilities don’t like to report statutory rape:
That way we didn’t have to get any law enforcement involved because – you have to stop and think. When we have a minor that’s come in and there’s suspected child abuse or sexual abuse we have to get law enforcement involved. Law enforcement has to be there from the beginning of the procedure to the end. They’re samples and specimens that have to be collected so they can do DNA analysis. Well this makes a lot of our other patients uncomfortable. So to get around that, we started lying about ages.So, we had no conflicts as far as that was concerned.
Rather than disrupt the routine in the abortion facility, it was easier not to report. It did not matter that underage minors were being exploited.
Abby Johnson responded to the abortion worker’s testimony by saying:
[I] think that’s common. I’ve found sometimes that charts — when I would audit charts — I would find charts sometimes where the client, when they filled out a medical history, if they were a minor, it would ask, you know, ‘when was the first time you had sex?’ And they would write on there 13 or 12 or something, and in Texas that’s automatically reportable. And so then the counselor, just like you’re saying, the patient educator would sit down with them and go, “Ok, are you sure it was thirteen because if it’s thirteen, now, that’s reportable in the state of Texas. Are you sure it wasn’t fourteen?” And then the client would say, “Oh yeah, I think it was fourteen.”
And then I would look at the history and the educator would have scratched out 13 and would have written, “Patient was not correct. She first actually had sex at age fourteen.” I don’t know if it’s just laziness, that they don’t want to make the report, I don’t know, sometimes it could be that the patient is saying, “please don’t report.” But you know, we’re not there to make sure the patient leaves happy we didn’t report, we’re there to protect these minor girls. So, I totally know what you’re talking about because I saw that happen inside my own facility as well.
Teen girls may be afraid of the abuse being reported. They may think they will “get in trouble” or be intimidated at the thought of talking to police. But the abortion workers, as adults, should want to stop the exploitation. Instead, they allow the abuse to continue.
Whether the workers just don’t want to go through the trouble of reporting, or they fear that police involvement will slow down the facility’s operations and lead to fewer abortions being done (and therefore less profit being made) they don’t report the sexual abuse of minors. — The pro-choice movement claims to be a movement defending women’s rights — but at times, pro-choice activists have threatened and committed violence against women. Pro-abortion men have even threatened to rape pro-life women simply for speaking out with their pro-life beliefs. For these men, abortion is not about women’s rights at all. Instead, it is often more about consequence-free sex and the freedom to get rid of inconveniently conceived children, and they lash out violently at those whom they perceive threaten their way of life. Those with this mindset dehumanize pro-life women as well as preborn babies.
Daniel Becker is a pro-life activist who ran for the US House of Representatives. His purpose in running was to get pro-life commercials aired on television. Legally, TV stations can’t turn down ads from a candidate running for office — and the ads he aired featured pictures of aborted babies. Soon after the commercials aired, Becker began getting threatening phone calls. In his book he writes about the calls he received, starting with the first one:
Having worked in construction for over a decade, I was accustomed to rough language in the workplace, but this experience was different. After 20 seconds of increasing volume and fouler speech, the caller realized I was still listening. No longer content to spew filth and depraved suggestions, he called down curses upon my family and me.
Becker try to dialogue with the angry caller, respecting the caller’s humanity and basic dignity as a person:
Remembering that obscene callers are persons too, I waited for the indecent tirade to subside long enough for me to attempt to pierce the emotional attack and try to find “common ground” with the person…. It became clear after several minutes of attempting to steer the raw emotional display to a place of reasoned dialogue that I was not going to succeed. Acknowledging defeat, I slowly lowered the phone to its cradle.
Immediately the phone began anew it’s loud and insistent ringing. I answered this time with an introductory declaration, “Daniel Becker speaking.”
“&#%$%!” And then a loud hang up.
I fielded one call after another – each exactly like the first… my mind was prepared to reason and engage in dialogue and even debate, but my emotions were wholly unprepared for the demonic onslaught that ensued…
With a heaviness of heart, I answered the next call, “Daniel Becker speaking.”
A calm and measured voice inquired, “You live at 1862 Liberty Grove Road?”
At last – an emotionally stable and quiet tone of voice bringing with it the hope of reasoned conversation.
“Yes,” was my muted reply.
He stated his name, going on, “I am a former Navy seal. I’ve seen a picture of you and your family in the news. You have three beautiful daughters. I am coming to rape them and then kill you!…&#%$%@$ … because of what you just did to MY family!!”(1)
Another victim of rape threats was a student at a the University of Windsor in Canada. The student, Maggie, posted a video on Facebook about her ordeal:
I’ve been repeatedly dehumanized on my campus because of my pro-life views. I was an item of discussion in the classroom. I was spat upon by a professor during campus outreach. Campus police threatened to arrest me. I was attacked near campus by a man who asked me if I would have an abortion if he raped me.
Afterwards, he put a photo of an aborted baby in my mailbox, with a single line: “your baby after I rape you.” I was terrified to even leave my house. I failed classes, lost friends, and spent hours in therapy. Professors, campus police, the women’s center, and my student union perpetuated a dehumanizing environment to such a degree that someone felt justified in assaulting me. They dehumanized me, so he did too.
Not only did Maggie endure harassment and rape threats, she was also not supported or helped by campus police. Organizations meant to protect students failed her and even contributed to her emotional trauma.
How hateful does a professor at a college have to be to spit in the face of a student? How corrupt do campus police have to be to ignore rape threats against a vulnerable young woman? Clearly, these pro-abortion activists do not respect women.
Another victim of rape threats is conservative columnist Denise McAllister. She is a rape survivor, but that did not stop pro-abortion activists from threatening her with rape. After posting a pro-life tweet, McAllister was the victim of multiple threats. She says:
They are threats outside of Twitter, stating they know where I live. Threats of rape and strangling. I spoke to the police. I am on home watch. My children are very frightened.
When pro-abortion activists threaten to rape pro-life women, they show their true lack of respect for all women.
The original version of this article was published on November 5, 2018 at Live Action News.
Daniel Becker Personhood (Alpharetta, Georgia: TKS Publications, 2011) 10-11 — The Ku Klux Klan (KKK) doesn’t have a great image: members get stereotyped as bigots who wear creepy costumes and start fires. In 2015, photographer Peter van Agtmael visited some KKK events. Did he find the Klan to be far more nuanced and diverse than the public assumes?
The photos show burning crosses, a noose, and people dressed in robes (there’s a dog dressed in them too). One features a poster of Holocaust victim Anne Frank that reads, “Hide and Seek World Champion 1942-1944.” After seeing these folks, you might ask yourself, “Who would ever want to be around them?”
Planned Parenthood’s founder did.
Planned Parenthood is America’s largest abortion chain, and it named an award after its founder, Margaret Sanger. What did Sanger stand for? Well, she supported “race betterment,” for one thing. She also spoke at a KKK meeting, something she recounted on page 366 of her autobiography.
The speech must have been well received as “a dozen invitations to speak to similar groups” followed. The KKK had spent decades inflicting violence, but that didn’t dissuade Sanger. To her, “any aroused group was a good group.” The organization she started is ready to work with racists too: in 2008, Planned Parenthood officials agreed to take donations from people wanting to see black children aborted.
I suppose that isn’t surprising; after all, Planned Parenthood began receiving federal funds under President Richard Nixon, a fact its former boss, Cecile Richards, praised him for in 2012. Audio recordings also show he favored aborting mixed race children and cited abortion as a means “to control the negro bastards.”
Planned Parenthood has also stepped into controversy with its opposition to laws that protect children from race- and sex-selective abortions.
Of course, Planned Parenthood isn’t just willing to work with racists — pimps and predators also get a hand. One of their clinic directors was caught offering to arrange forced abortions on underage prostitutes who “can’t speak English” and “won’t know what’s going on.”
And here’s a list of ten child rapists who stayed out of jail thanks to cover-up abortions from Planned Parenthood.
While Planned Parenthood’s founder might have been okay with going to a Klan event, most Americans aren’t. They shouldn’t be okay with funding the outfit she started, either.
The original version of this article was published on July 25, 2016 at Live Action News. This reprint has been updated, with permission. — If you’re at college, you might have heard about the Sexual Health Advocacy Group – SHAG for short. Known as “shaggers” (seriously), members try “to open up the conversation about sexual health, sex positivity, and sexual communication.” SHAG embraces disadvantaged groups, including those in the disabled community. It’s also fine with aborting them.
The experience left her “a hopeless, desperate, and sad young teen whose innocence was ripped away by four evil men,” and she was grateful to Planned Parenthood for giving her Plan B the next day. Danielle says she lied and told Planned Parenthood staff the sex was consensual; even if she hadn’t, I’m not sure it would have made a difference.
It didn’t when one of accused serial rapist Tyler Kost’s alleged victims went to Planned Parenthood. Despite telling staff she’d been assaulted, they decided filing a report would be too much “hassle.” Kost remained free, with local law enforcement contending that an investigation could have started months earlier if Planned Parenthood had come forward.
Planned Parenthood didn’t help Denise Fairbanks, either. Fairbanks was brought there for an abortion at 16 by her incestuous father. In a subsequent lawsuit, she recalled explicitly telling Planned Parenthood employees about the abuse…who proceeded to do nothing, allowing it to resume when she got home.
Becki Brenner was president of the Planned Parenthood affiliate Fairbanks got taken to, and she insisted her organization would be exonerated, proclaiming, “I am going to be very, very pleased when the facts of this case do come out in a court of law.” Or not: Planned Parenthood chose to settle rather than face a jury.
But ignoring signs of abuse is nothing new at America’s largest abortion chain, which is why I’ve made a list of my own. So without further adieu, here are 10 child rapists that were helped by Planned Parenthood.
When Cross’ wife noticed her 13 year-old daughter was gaining weight, Cross knew it was because he’d gotten her pregnant. Luckily for him, Planned Parenthood staff didn’t care that she was well below the age of consent. Instead of calling authorities, they arranged an abortion. With the evidence gone, Cross was free to keep abusing her – which he did.
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services warns that when a child under fourteen “becomes pregnant or contracts a venereal disease,” it’s time to get suspicious. Employees at Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains don’t agree, with one admitting under oath in 2014 that “being thirteen and pregnant alone is not a red flag” there. That made things easy for Timothy Smith: he brought his 13 year-old stepdaughter in for an abortion after impregnating her. When they were done, Planned Parenthood turned the victim back over to her abuser, no questions asked. Later, when the girl’s mother sued Planned Parenthood, the abortion chain rushed to a settlement when the judge commented that Planned Parenthood’s conduct so outrageous that punitive damages would be appropriate.
Planned Parenthood didn’t file a report when Coles’ 12 year-old stepdaughter showed up. Then again, the two other abortion centers she was taken to didn’t say anything either.
Ramirez brought his 13 year-old daughter to Planned Parenthood for two abortions in less than 6 months. No action was taken.
5. Luis Gonzalez-Jose got Planned Parenthood to perform an abortion on an 11 year-old that he raped. Staff accepted the girl’s story of being impregnated by a 14 year-old boyfriend…despite her not knowing his name, address, or phone number.
6. Andrew King benefited from one of Planned Parenthood’s cover-up abortions in 1982. He continued preying on girls for over 25 years.
7. John Haller coerced his 14 year-old victim into an abortion at Planned Parenthood; he paid the bill while claiming to be her “stepbrother.”
8. Adam Gault brought his teenage victim to Planned Parenthood for an abortion, too.
Keep in mind that shame and fear cause many victims to remain silent. The truth is, there’s no way to know just how many crimes Planned Parenthood has helped cover up.
In her entry, Danielle said that “if you don’t support Planned Parenthood, you don’t support 14-year-old me.” Given that Planned Parenthood assists the type of men who preyed on her, I have to disagree.
The original version of this article was published on March 26, 2016 at Live Action News. This reprint has been updated, with permission.