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Kansas School Board Candidate Supports “Satan Clubs”

Kansas School Board Candidate Supports “Satan Clubs”

While Halloween may be over, it seems that one school board candidate isn’t ready to put away his devil costume just yet. Pittsburg, Kansas resident Michael Fienen is running for a seat on the USD 250 board, and he supports establishing After School Satan Clubs. It’s something Fienen made clear in a 2022 Facebook post:

After School Satan Clubs are the brainchild of an organization known as the Satanic Temple, which has created a children’s song to promote them. It begins by stating, “Satan’s not an evil guy! He wants you to learn and question why. He wants you to have fun and be yourself and by the way there is no Hell.”

In addition to creating music videos aimed at children, the Satanic Temple also sells a variety of merchandise, including items with LGBTQ themes.

A Facebook page created by the political action committee SEK Freedom notes that backing Satan Clubs isn’t the only example of Fienen’s satanic activism, as he has also encouraged children to contact dark entities should they “ever feel scared, alone, or just want to talk.”

Fienen has received an endorsement from the Crawford County Democratic Party alongside fellow candidates Ellen Goode and Megan Stoneberger Johnson.

Interestingly, Crawford County Democratic Party Vice Chair Jack Bertoncino was unconcerned with Fienen’s satanic advocacy, telling SEK Freedom that “Satan is actually one of the few characters in the Eden, story who DIDN’T deceive anyone!”

For its part, SEK Freedom released a statement explaining that the organization believes “everyone has the inalienable God given right to free speech and freedom of religion” and “Fienen has the right to join any religion he wants.” However, it went on to point out that citizens have a right “vote for candidates who most closely align with their belief of what is best for our kids, our teachers, and our schools.”

What’s more, SEK Freedom has endorsed its own slate of candidates alongside the Crawford County Republican Party.

Crawford County isn’t the only place in Kansas where supporters of the Satanic Temple are attempting to exert their influence. Last year, school board members in Ellis County voted to lift a ban on satanic clothing after complaints and legal threats from a local Satanic Temple member.

Meanwhile, Fox News reported in 2022 that the Satanic Temple sent car decals to the police force in Haven, Kansas after a ban on placing “In God We Trust” on its police cruisers was ended. The decals included such phrases as “Valor, Pride, Integrity, Hail Satan,” “Protect, Serve, Hail Satan,” “One Nation, Hail Satan,” as well as “Duty, Honor, Community, Hail Satan.”

Posted by Right Edge Magazine in Culture, Featured Stories, 0 comments
Left-Wing Violence Has Reached A Tipping Point

Left-Wing Violence Has Reached A Tipping Point

We may never be able to help the anti-gun crowd understand that being armed does not (and should never) equate to looking for a gun fight. The consensus on the left is that anyone carrying a gun in public is seeking out a fight. Many believe the notion, that if you carry a gun you are some sort of vigilante hoping for the opportunity to shoot someone. This is why they’re unable to see Kyle Rittenhouse as someone simply defending himself. 

The beliefs of many on the left have been molded and manipulated through media-propaganda and consistent left-wing rhetoric, to convince those who don’t know any better that gun owners are encouraging violence by bearing arms in public. The exact opposite is true.

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As we know, defensive gun uses (DGU) save far more lives than offensive gun uses. Gun related deaths, (excluding suicides and law enforcement related incidents) total approximately 3000 per year. According to a study called Armed Resistance to Crime: The Prevalence and Nature of Self-Defense with a Gun by Florida Criminologist Gary Kleck, potential lives saved by armed law-abiding citizens, exceeds 2 1/2 million per year in America alone.

Although the numbers show us that good guys and gals (46% of DGUs are by women) with guns are merely protecting innocent lives, the anti-gun left constantly pushes a false narrative. The notion that gun owners are looking for a fight couldn’t be further from the truth but the accusation says more about the accusers than it does about the lawful American gun owners.

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Sigmund Freud coined the term “projection.” Projection is the act of placing the thoughts that are occurring in your head onto someone else and blaming them for it. The idea that the anti-gun crowd can’t see gun ownership from a perspective other than the gun owner looking for trouble, tells us that the thought of instigating a fight and inflicting violence on others harbors itself deep in the psyche of the anti-gun leftist and not the lawful, American.

The political left continues to encourage this idea that gun ownership is a gateway to violence, or that guns actually cause violence. They even created the term “gun-violence” to perpetuate the lie. Logical thinking people understand that there is no such thing as “gun-violence, only “human-violence.” The radicals also encourage leftist political supporters to believe that they have been victimized and their acts of violence and destruction in the streets of cities across America are justified. Is it a coincidence that these two mental components are being programmed into the minds of formerly logical thinking people? What is the intended outcome of this type of psychological programming? 

What are the two messages being consistently taught to radical leftists?

1. Guns are for violence

2. Political violence is justified 

The crazed looks that we see on the faces of angry radical anarchists who engage in violence and destruction does not occur organically. These hate-fueled actions are encouraged by thoughts of retribution and the idea that revenge is justified. They believe they are the good guys. These thoughts are cultivated by a destructive media and a very dangerous political party pushing a message that violence is okay if the cause is just.

If you’ll notice, condemning the violence has not been high on the priority list of Democrats in Congress, and there’s a simple reason for that. Because for them, mob chaos isn’t a problem to be fixed.

It’s a tool to be used.

Dan Wos is a nationally recognized 2nd Amendment advocate who is the author of Good Gun Bad Guy and Good Gun Bad Guy 2. He also hosts a podcast called Good Gun Bad Guy Radio. Go behind the lies of the anti-gun radicals and find out what they hoped you would never know.

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Posted by Dan Wos in Antifa, Featured Stories, Guns, 0 comments
Guns Can Make The Difference Between Survivors And Statistics

Guns Can Make The Difference Between Survivors And Statistics

As the number of coronavirus cases continues to go up, gun sales are rising too. That seems to trouble officials in New York’s Nassau County. In March, Police Commissioner Patrick Ryder admitted some residents “are concerned that they need to protect themselves.”

However, Ryder insisted that “the Nassau County Police Department will protect you.” He didn’t explain why police didn’t protect any of the 16 people who were murdered in his county last year.

Ryder went on to promise that “burglars won’t break into the house knowing the people are home.” This would come as news to at least one Nassau County couple: in January, the pair were both repeatedly stabbed by a home invader.

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He also didn’t mention Nassau County’s problem with gangs like MS-13. In neighboring Suffolk County, MS-13 members brutally murdered two teenage girls who were on their way home from school, with police saying the bodies were “unrecognizable.”

Given that county law enforcement has failed to protect people under normal circumstances, you may be wondering how they could guarantee everyone’s safety in a crisis. The simple answer?

They can’t.

Officers are rarely close by when a predator strikes. They weren’t when convicted sex offender Christopher Ray Foster broke into a woman’s home. Thankfully, her pistol was.

RELATED NEWS: Texans Who Carry Have A Lower Murder Rate Than Brits

Police didn’t arrive for North Carolina home invasion victim Kay Dickinson until after she shot her attacker. A rape survivor in Missouri had a similar experience.

There were no cops around when two men armed with a knife tried to enter the home of a single mom in Oklahoma; she had to rely on a shotgun instead.

Cases like these demonstrate how having a gun can make the difference between being a survivor and a statistic. And that’s even more true when order breaks down.

In 1992, Los Angeles was hit with deadly riots, and the Korean-American community was specifically targeted. With no help from the police, store owners picked up semi-automatic rifles to defend their lives and property. Without the ability to put down a high volume of fire, it’s likely that many would have lost their lives. 

Even criminals themselves agree that armed victims are a deterrent. A survey of convicts funded by the Department of Justice, 81 percent of participants agreed that “a smart criminal always tries to find out if his potential victim is armed.” Another 74 percent concurred with the statement, “One reason burglars avoid houses when people are home is they fear being shot.”   

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While it’s true that some studies claim having a gun increases your likelihood of getting shot, they often make no distinction between armed criminals and legal gun owners.

There’s also the fear that keeping a gun in the house will lead to a child’s death. Yet CDC data shows that from 2013 to 2017, an average of 42 children under ten died in firearm accidents annually. By contrast, 624 drowned in 2017 alone, and yet there is little worry over owning hot tubs, pools, or plastic buckets. What’s more, those things don’t have the life-saving potential a gun does.

RELATED NEWS: While Gun Sales Are Up, Crime Keeps Falling

During a press conference, Nassau County Executive Laura Curran complained, “Guns are not going to fight the virus.” She’s right: they’re going to fight the criminals she can’t control.

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Posted by Adam Peters in Featured Stories, Guns, 0 comments
This Is Why We Rally

This Is Why We Rally

To rally or not to rally–that seems to be the question.

Let me start out by saying that I’m keenly aware that the whole rally debate is as much a personal preference issue as choosing which manufacturer and caliber you rely on for your everyday carry gun. Generally speaking, what works for you doesn’t necessarily always work for your neighbor.

That being said, we need to look at the why behind the recent Second Amendment rallies; local, state, and at our nation’s Capitol.

If you’ve ever been to a Second Amendment rally at any of these levels, you already know that you will likely run into the same groups of people and quite possibly hear from the same few speakers most every time. The politicians who are actively manipulating numbers and conspiring to pass infringement laws are not going to show up, and the fact that we have gathered there in defiance of their overreach doesn’t seem to deter them or delay their scheming a single bit. It’s important for you to understand and acknowledge that fact. The anti-freedom politicians and organizations are not our audience at a rally.

Too often, you and I can get hung up on that fact. We begin to doubt the impact of bringing our Second Amendment community together to share ideas and strategies in a common place, in full view of both supporters as well as oppressors. We become dissuaded by the feeling that we are merely preaching to the choir. After all, isn’t that what we all use social media for?

So, if we are preaching to the choir, why should we participate? What is the motivation for taking time off work, incurring travel expenses, possibly getting your name put on a list, or having to follow unjust laws to even have the opportunity to attend?

The why is easy. We attend rallies because we thrive when We The People build communities, network, and form partnerships or alliances. We are reminded that we can and should work together on a daily basis even if we don’t agree on other issues. When we work together, putting aside our differences, in order to protect our individual liberty, that is the moment when our mission is noticed by those who would prefer to ignore us and pretend that we are nothing more than a lone voice in a crowd.

For far too long we have propped up organizations to pass off our responsibilities on to. These organizations have become easy to disparage, vilify, and arrogantly ignore. We, the American gun owners, have been lost in the shadow of these entities we helped build, and our individual rights are being eroded at a staggering pace, because others have been fed and believe the false narrative that gun owners come in one cookie cutter pattern, represented by an acronym or a single face on a billboard. They have been duped into believing this instead of the truth, that we are comprised of individuals representing the full spectrum of humanity.

When we come together like this at a rally and build alliances in our goal to protect our liberty, we are sending a clear message to everyone that the gun lobby is not some organization, corporation, or ambiguous entity. Instead, we are individual citizens standing together in solidarity, in unison, in harmonized defiance saying in a powerful singular voice that even though our liberty is individual, our fight to keep it is unified. If you are in the market for superclone Replica Rolex , Super Clone Rolex is the place to go! The largest collection of fake Rolex watches online!

I am the gun lobby. You are the gun lobby.

When you and I join together, standing shoulder to shoulder in bold dissent over the infringement laws being passed by an overreaching government, we leave no doubt that We Are The Gun Lobby. And, like it or not, we are your friends, neighbors, coworkers, small business owners, presidents of corporations, county commissioners, and school teachers. We are in every store, every restaurant, and college campus. We sell you your home, deliver your babies, and care for your loved ones in care facilities across the nation. We are not a face on a billboard. We are “The People” which our constitution was written to protect, and together we mean to protect our Constitution just the same.

Again , I ask you, why do we take the time and effort to attend a rally? It is simply because that is not a message which can be conveyed properly by so many words typed on a screen.

I, personally, look forward to standing alongside of you at the next rally so we can finding new ways, face to face, to work together to help rebuild our Constitutional Republic to what it was designed to be.

Rebecca Schmoe

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Posted by Rebecca Schmoe in Featured Stories, Guns, 0 comments
Leftist Logic: Armed Women Promote “Rape Culture.”

Leftist Logic: Armed Women Promote “Rape Culture.”

Last year, a young woman made headlines when she tweeted a photo showing a gun in her waistband. Others followed suit, and it lead to a new hashtag: #NotMe. YouTube personality Barbara4u2c said that the campaign was about self-defense and not “relying on other people to decide your fate.” As one mom explained, she wants her children “to to be able to say #NotMe, instead of #MeToo.” If that sounds like a great idea, then I have good news.

You’re not an SJW.

Social justice warriors have reacted angrily to #NotMe. In their eyes, telling women to arm themselves is somehow offensive.

Nia Sanchez got a similar reaction when she advised women to “learn how to protect themselves,” with the Miss USA pageant winner being accused of “victim-blaming” and furthering “rape culture.” Whether her accusers think telling people to lock their cars promotes auto theft culture remains unclear.

RELATED NEWS: Texans Who Carry Have a Lower Murder Rate Than Brits.

Many on the feminist left say the focus should be on “teaching men not to rape,” as if sexual assault could be prevented if only men understood that rape is bad. Well, here’s the thing: we already do. Men know that rape is wrong (or at least the men in our culture, anyway), which is why the overwhelming majority of us don’t engage in it. Those who do aren’t raping out of ignorance–they rape because they can get away with it. That’s something an armed victim can change.

Unlike most weapons, the efficacy of a gun depends on its user’s skill, not her size or strength. With proper training and practice, a woman can become deadlier than the strongest man. Research by economist John Lott bears this out: he found that women who defended themselves with a firearm had much higher rates of survival than those who didn’t. And examples of them doing that aren’t hard to find.

A woman in North Carolina managed to reach her gun after an intruder tied her up with electrical cords. A woman in Texas shot a convicted sex offender after he broke into her home. A Missouri woman shot an alleged rapist who did the same. And in Oklahoma, this woman shot two attackers, one of whom was armed with a large knife:

It’s tough to see how else these women could have defended themselves without firearms, and their cases aren’t unique, as you can find hundreds of others who did the same.

Obviously, sexual assault victims shouldn’t be blamed for what happened to them, but the #NotMe campaign isn’t about doing that; it’s about stopping victimizers. Because the reality is, rhetoric can’t stop rapists.

Bullets can.

What do you think? Leave a comment below.

Posted by Adam Peters in Featured Stories, Guns, 0 comments
Black Lives Matter Gets Black People Killed

Black Lives Matter Gets Black People Killed

Black Lives Matter has been accused of demonizing police and heightening racial tensions. I agree with those criticisms, but the movement has an even more basic problem.

It threatens black lives.

After declining for years, homicide rates began to rise in 2014. The violence wasn’t spread evenly: of the increase in killings during 2017, around a third took place in largely African American areas of Chicago. Baltimore saw more bloodshed too. Both cities would benefit from the sort of proactive policing that helped reduce New York’s crime rates in the early 90’s. But thanks to #BLM, they’re unlikely to get it.

A poll published last year by the Pew Research Center found that 72% of law enforcement officers believed their colleagues have become less likely to stop and question suspicious individuals. The reason? No one wants to be the next Darren Wilson.

In 2014, Michael Brown was shot and killed after he attacked Wilson. Although eye witness accounts and two autopsies backed up Wilson’s version of events, Black Lives Matter activists spread the claim that Brown had been shot execution-style with his hands up. Wilson ultimately lost his job and was forced into hiding. Meanwhile, protests broke out across the country–some of which turned violent.   

In light of this, it makes sense many officers would feel more reluctant to do things like confront possible parole and probation violations, something critics have dubbed “the Ferguson Effect.” It’s not hard to see why that reluctance correlates with more killings: figures from Baltimore showed that 36 percent of those arrested for homicide in 2017 were either on probation or parole. And while this endangers society at large, African Americans face the biggest risk: despite comprising just thirteen percent of America’s population, blacks make up around half its homicide victims. 


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When asked whether Baltimore residents wanted police to back off, Rev. Kinji Scott was clear: “No. That represented our progressives, our activists, our liberal journalists, our politicians, but it did not represent the overall community. Because we know for a fact that around the time Freddie Gray was killed, we start to see homicides increase. We had five homicides in that neighborhood while we were protesting.”

Obviously, unjustified police shootings are unacceptable (and as Daniel Shaver proved, they don’t just happen to African Americans). However, vilifying every use of force before the facts are known only disincentivizes good police work, and that costs lives.

Most of them are black.

Posted by Adam Peters in Featured Stories, Racism, 0 comments
Texans Who Carry Have A Lower Murder Rate Than Brits

Texans Who Carry Have A Lower Murder Rate Than Brits

Gun violence has been in the news lately, which has some Americans advocating British-style gun laws. The UK bans handguns, and in 2018 its per capita homicide rate was only 1.2 per 100,000 people. But while it’s true that Brits commit relatively few murders, there’s another group that commits even fewer. Who are they?

Legally-armed Texans.

Over 1.3 million people in Texas are licensed to carry a firearm, and the state publishes a report on the crimes they commit. In 2018, one was convicted of murder and another three were convicted of manslaughter. If they formed their own country, its murder rate would be 0.29 per one hundred thousand residents.

In other words, Britain’s homicide rate would drop by more than three quarters if it were populated by nothing but Texans with concealed handgun permits. Texas isn’t unique: across the country, it’s rare for people who carry guns legally to commit crimes. They do stop them, however.

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Sheriff’s Deputy Dylan Dorris discovered that when he was rescued by an armed motorist. Dorris was overpowered during a traffic stop, and the officer says he’s “alive today” because Marine Corps veteran Scott Perkins intervened. You can find many similar cases of individuals defending themselves and others.     

RELATED NEWS: Nobody Needs an AR-15? These Folks Did.

While the stats show most people who carry are male, women actually have the most to gain from a concealed handgun. Unlike other weapons, the efficacy of a firearm depends on its user’s skill–not her size and strength. That’s why an armed Minnesota woman was able to fend off a gang of men. It’s the same reason a 91 year-old man in Michigan could defend himself in a drugstore parking lot.  

And there’s an additional benefit: the presence of guns creates a deterrent. In a survey of convicts funded by the Department of Justice, 81 percent agreed, “A smart criminal always tries to find out if his potential victim is armed.” Seventy four percent concurred that, “One reason burglars avoid houses when people are home is they fear being shot.”  

It’s true that the United States has a problem with violent crime, and that problem has many components. Law abiding gun owners aren’t one of them though. They’re part of the answer.  

Posted by Adam Peters in Featured Stories, Guns, 0 comments
Nobody Needs An AR-15? These Folks Did

Nobody Needs An AR-15? These Folks Did

There’s a refrain you’ll hear whenever a mass shooting is committed: “Nobody needs an AR-15.” You’ll hear it even when an AR-15 wasn’t the weapon used. Now, it’s true that most people don’t actually need an AR on a daily basis. Then again, they usually don’t need a seat belt, either. But when the need does arise, folks tend to be glad they have one.

RELATED NEWS: Illegal Immigration Ruined A Vet’s Life.

Like other rifles, an AR comes equipped with a shoulder stock and has a longer sight radius than a handgun, both contributing to better accuracy. Commonly chambered in .223, it has little recoil but delivers far more stopping power than most pistols.

Its aluminum receiver and gas impingement operating system reduce weight and allow for fast follow up shots, which is part of why it’s popular among hunters and female shooters. Finally, its detachable box magazine provides high capacity and quick reloads, a feature some Korean-American shopkeepers found essential.

RELATED NEWS: Texans Who Carry Have a Lower Murder Rate Than Brits.

In 1992, Los Angeles was hit with deadly riots, and the Korean-American community was specifically targeted. With no help from the police, store owners picked up semi-automatic rifles to defend their lives and property. Offering the ability to put down a high volume of fire, it’s one of the few ways someone can hold off angry mob. And a riot isn’t the only time that ability is important.

A Milwaukee man used an AR to defend himself against multiple armed attackers. This man in Detroit did the same. And in Sutherland Springs, local resident Stephen Willeford used his AR-15 to stop a mass killer:

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It’s true that AR-style rifles have featured in high-profile mass shootings. But while such crimes are horrific, they’re also anomalies: of the 15 129 murders committed in 2017, the FBI reports that only 403 involved rifles of any kind. By comparison, CDC figures show that in the same year, 624 children 9 years of age and under drowned. Despite this, there’s no push to ban hot tubs, pools, or plastic buckets. And unlike those things, an AR has life-saving potential. It’s something plenty of folks know first hand.

Posted by Adam Peters in Featured Stories, Guns, 0 comments