Kansas Democrats Side With Islamists Over A Former Marine

They would rather "embrace diversity" than face the threat.

Imagine that you’re in a room with two doors. On the other side of one is a former Marine who served in Iraq and Afghanistan. Behind the other is an organization linked to Middle Eastern terrorists. Now, if you had to side with one of them, which would you choose? Well, for Kansas Democrats, the choice is obvious.

They’re going with door number two.

John Bennett spent time in Iraq and Afghanistan before being elected to Oklahoma’s state legislature, and he’s scheduled to speak at the Dodge City Republican Expo this weekend. Among the topics Bennett will address is the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR).

In 2007, the Department of Justice named CAIR as an unindicted co-conspirator of the Holy Lands Foundation, a group that the federal government successfully prosecuted for funneling money to Hamas, an Islamic terror group.

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You may recall that it was at a CAIR gathering last year where Rep. Ilhan Omar infamously described the 9/11 attacks as “some people did something.”

Also scheduled to appear at the Republican event is former FBI agent John Guandolo. He founded Understanding The Threat, a group dedicated to exposing the danger posed by Marxist and Islamic terror networks. It has laid out the facts regarding CAIR, and they aren’t good.

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Not that Kansas Democratic Party Chairwoman Vicki Hiatt is interested in seeing them; she’d rather accuse state Republicans of “actively condoning inflammatory, Islamophobic rhetoric.”

Executive Director Ben Meers is upset too, saying, “This is sadly another clear demonstration of how out-of-touch the Kansas GOP is with hardworking Kansans.”

First District Chairwoman Sage TeBeest got in on the outrage as well, insisting, “The future of rural Kansas is brightest when we embrace diversity.”

In 2014, the United Arab Emirates designated CAIR as a terror organization, citing its ties to the Muslim Brotherhood. However, those running the Kansas Democratic Party don’t seem as concerned about terrorism. They’d rather condemn those who expose it.

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Posted by Adam Peters

Adam Peters is a world traveler who found his home in red state America. Adam received his Juris Doctor from Liberty University, where he enjoyed studying history and constitutional law. His four years spent living in Asia provided him with unique experiences and a renewed appreciation for Western culture. When not honing his arguments, Adam enjoys spending time with his family, taking trips to the gun range, hunting, lifting weights, and listening to Victor Davis Hanson.

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